Translation of the song Í tokuni [Into the Mist] artist Eivør
Í tokuni [Into the Mist]
In the mist
Gangi í tokuni
Walking in the mist
Eina í djúpu kvirruni
Alone in the deep silence
Síggi ongar varðar
Can´t see any cairns
Burtur allir garðar
Gone are all the houses
Rópi men eingin svarar
I call out but no one answers
Inn ímillum gloppini
In between the gaps
Í mjørkaklæddu náttini
In the mist-clad night
Hómi eg skuggar
I sense shadows
Tykist sum okkurt rørir seg har
Seems as though something is moving there
Rópi men eingin svarar mær
I call out but no one answers me
Vinur, vinur sært tú meg?
Friend, friend can you see me
Gangi her í tokuni
Walking here in the mist
Hevur tú reikað líka sum eg
Have you wandered as i have
Í deyðadjúpu kvirruni?
In the silence deep as death
Sást tú gøtuljósini
Did you see the street lights
Lýsa í bygdini?
Shining in the village
Sást tú hvat tey gjørdu har?
Did you see what they did there
Minnist tú hvussu støðan var?
Do you remember what the state of things were
Leitaði nakar eftir mær?
Was anyone looking for me
Vinur, vinur sært tú meg?
Friend, friend can you see me
Gangi her í tokuni
Walking here in the mist
Hevur tú reikað líka sum eg
Have you wandered as i have
Í deyðadjúpu kvirruni?
In the silence deep as death
Hevur tú eins og eg
Have you as I have
Gingið í tokuni
Walked in the mist
Burturvilst frá slóðini
Strayed from the beaten path
Ytst á fjallatromini?
Near the mountain edge
Kennir tú hetta einsemið?
Do you know this loneliness
Vinur, vinur skilur tú meg?
Friend, friend do you understand me
Veitst tú nakran loyniveg?
Do you know any secret path
Hevur tú reikað líka sum eg
Have you wandered as I have
Í endaleysu óvissuni?
in the endless uncertainty
Vinur, vinur skilur tú meg?
Friend, friend do you understand me
Veitst tú ongan loyniveg?
Don´t you know any secret path
Hevur tú reikað líka sum eg
Have you wandered as I have
Í endaleysu tokuni?
In the endless mist