Í dag hava fuglar ei sungið eitt lag.
Today, the birds have not sung a single song.
Tað var eins og slóknaði sólin í dag,
It was like the extinguished sun today,
Og jørðin, hon helt uppat við at mala,
And the world stopped turning,
Og børnini hildu uppat við at spæla.
And the children stopped playing.
Stjørnurnar duttu allar niður av himni,
All the stars fell down from the sky,
Og mánin, hann fánaði burtur og inni.
And the moon faded away.
Í stovuni míni ei hoyrdist eitt ljóð,
Not a sound was heard in my living room,
í myrkursins djúpastu náði eg stóð.
In darkness's deepest grace/mercy I stood.
Myrkursins náði, myrkursins náði,
The mercy of darkness, mercy of darkness,
Myrkursins náði fevndi meg,
The mercy of darkness surrounded me,
Henda løtan, hon dró meg til ógingnar gøtur,
This moment lured me to un-walked streets,
Til heimsins byrjan og til lívsins djúpastu røtur.
To the beginning of the world and the deepest roots of life.
Og myrkrið var hvørki ónt ella kalt,
And the darkness was neither evil nor cold,
Nei, myrkrið var ei enn blivið ónt ella kalt.
No, the darkness had still not become evil or cold.
Tað einasta, eg hoyrdi, vóru undarlig ljóð,
The only thing I heard were unusual sounds,
Men so føgur og rein og so yndislig ljóð,
But such beautiful and clean and enchanting sounds.
Og einki var endað, og einki var byrjað,
And nothing had ended, and nothing had begun,
Og einki var sjónligt, og einki var hyljað.
And nothing was visible, and nothing was concealed.
Myrkursins náði, myrkursins náði,
The mercy of darkness, mercy of darkness,
Myrkursins náði fevndi meg,
The mercy of darkness surrounded me,