Translation of the song Silvurkannan artist Eivør



English translation

The Silver Jug

Drívur døgg um døkka grund

The dew drifts about the darkening ground,

dimmist millum fanna

it gets dim amongst the snowdrifts,

oman fyri eikilund

above the oak grove

hongur silvurkanna

hangs a silver jug.

Náttin hylir hørg og hól

The night veils mound and hill,

teskar undir lyngi

it whispers under the heather,

fýra nætur fyri jól

four nights until Yule,

dansa frýr í ringi

dance, ladies, in rings.

Fyrsta reyð og onnur blá

The first red and the second blue,

triðja grøn við brota

the third is green by the surf,

fjórða hvít við gulli á

the fourth white by the golden brook,

hon ber gyltan sprota

she wears gilded jewel.

Oman fyri eikilund

Above the oak grove

hongur silvurkanna

hangs a silver jug,

skínur yvir alla grund

it shines over all the land,

dansa lítla Anna

dance, little Anna.

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