Translation of the song Sum Sólja Og Bøur artist Eivør


Sum Sólja Og Bøur

English translation

Like Buttercups and Grass

Hann angar Sum sólja og bøur,

He smells like buttercups and grass,

Sum tað bláa hav,

like that blue sea,

hann sigur tær vakrastu søgur,

he tells you the most beautiful stories,

tá sól er farin í kav.

when the sun has gone to take cover.

Hann droymir teir vakrastu dreymar

He dreams those most beautiful dreams

hvønn tann einasta dag,

which only that day

droymur seg burtur

are dreamt away

um dalar og heyggjar,

about valleys and seas swelling

til støð tú ei hevur sæð,

to a wharf you have not seen.

á, um bert ein dag,

Ah, if only one day

eg kundi flogið avstað við tær,

I could fly there to you,

men vit hittast bara,

but we only meet

tá ið eg blundi,

when I fall asleep,

í náttardreymum hjá mær.

in the night-dreams of mine.

Nú komin er kvøldarstund,

Now the evening hour is come,

Eg droymi meg burtur til tín,

I dream myself away to you.

Og eg sovi mí søta blund,

And I sleep my sweet sleep,

Tú ert vagrasti dreymur mín.

you are my most beautiful dream.

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