Translation of the song 新たなる artist Sakura Wars (OST)
高らかに歌い 華やかに踊り
With our resonant song and gorgeous dance,
鮮やかに輝く グランドフィナーレ
We shine brilliantly, it's the grand finale
光溢れ その先へ
Beyond the overflowing light
新たなる世界 新たなる未来
There is a new world, a new future
新たなる 夢
A new dream
貴方に(私に) 光が差す
Light shines on you (and on me)
そう まるで寄り添うように
Yes, as if it's drawing closer
貴方が歩いた 暗闇の先
You walked on beyond the darkness
皆が辿って 標となったよ
And we followed after you, our symbol
強がり 涙と 恋した心
Feigned strength, tears and feelings of love
胸に刻んで 檜の舞台へ
Let's carve them onto our hearts and head towards the big stage
心忍ばせて 影に生きてきた
We've been living in the shadows with our hearts hidden
明日から 陽の当たる 花道進もう
From tomorrow, let's walk on the walkway with its bright light
新たなる世界 新たなる未来
A new world, new future
貴方と(私と) 夢を見よう
You (and I), let's dream a dream
ねぇ まるで寄り添うように
Hey, just like we're drawing closer
袖に隠れた 本当の私
I hid my true self in my sleeve
仲間に押されて 未来へ進めた
Encouraged by my friends, I moved towards the future
触れたすべてを 壊した昨日
Yesterday everything I touched crumbled to pieces
全部抱きしめ 明日に向かうよ
I'll embrace all of it and head towards tomorrow
海と山に(星と街に) 照らす光
Light shines on the oceans and mountains (on the stars and streets)
そう まるで寄り添うように
Yes, just like it's drawing closer
超高速の切っ先 光る信じる心
Like an ultrafast tip of a sword, the heart that believes shines
Together with my friends,
頂き託され 心に刻む瞳に映るは
I receive and entrust, and the eyes that I carve onto my heart reflect
Anxiety and ecstasy
海を挟んだ 花と花
A flower and a flower, with an ocean between them
さぁ ハーモニー奏でようよ
Come, let's strike up a harmony
ひとつひとつは 小さいけれど
Individually, we're small
But we know the strength of believing in each other
貴方が築いた 貴方が信じた
The stage you built and believed in
舞台に 立っているのです
We're standing on it
A new dream's...
Bloom, full of vitality (become a flower)
Smile brightly (become a song)
With your graceful heart
今 幕が上がる、 幕が上がる
Now the curtain rises, the curtain rises
Come on! Let's go--!
高らかに歌い 華やかに踊り
With our resonant song and gorgeous dance,
鮮やかに輝く グランドフィナーレ
We shine brilliantly, it's the grand finale
高らかに歌い 華やかに踊り
With our resonant song and gorgeous dance,
鮮やかに輝く グランドフィナーレ
We shine brilliantly, it's the grand finale
光溢れ その先へ
Beyond the overflowing light
新たなる世界 新たなる未来
There is a new world, a new future
A new dream
新たなる世界 新たなる未来
A new world, new future
新たなる (新たなる) 新たなる
A new (new) new
新たなる 夢
New dream