Translation of the song 檄!帝国華撃団 artist Sakura Wars (OST)



English translation

Assault! Imperial Fighting Revue

引き裂いた 闇が吠え 震える帝都に

The darkness starts howling throughout the trembling capital

愛の歌 高らかに 躍りでる戦士たち

Warriors came leaping out, loudly singing a love song

心まで 鋼鉄に 武装する乙女

We, maidens, down to our hearts, armed in steel,

悪を蹴散らして 正義をしめすのだ

Move away the forces of evil and show the way to justice!

走れ 光速の 帝國華撃団

Run faster as light, Imperial Fighting Revue!

唸れ 衝撃の 帝國華撃団

Roar on, shocking Imperial Fighting Revue!

「私たち正義のために戦います 。

“We shall fight for our justice.


But we must risk our lives during the battle


So we’ll never give up like this in one step!


We’re the Imperial Fighting Revue!”

町の灯が 消え果て 脅える帝都に

The city lights are in a blackout throughout the frightened capital

虹の色 染上げて 躍りでる戦士たち

Warriors came leaping out, shining in the colors of the rainbow

暁に 激情を 照らし出す乙女

We, maidens, with our passion, light up the dawn,

悪を滅ぼして 正義をしめすのだ

Wipe away the forces of evil and show our way to justice!

走れ 光速の 帝國華撃団

Run faster as light, Imperial Fighting Revue!

唸れ 衝撃の 帝國華撃団

Roar on, shocking Imperial Fighting Revue!

走れ 光速の 帝國華撃団

Run faster as light, Imperial Fighting Revue!

唸れ 衝撃の 帝國華撃団

Roar on, shocking Imperial Fighting Revue!

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