Translation of the song 虹の彼方 artist Sakura Wars (OST)
Beyond the Rainbow
山が燃え 花が舞う
The mountain is burning and the flowers are dancing
ひるがえる万旗 ああ上海華撃団
Waving like the flags of the Shanghai Huawei Group
Please endure the sadness
いざ進め 千里の道を
Now walk ahead on that long road
Crossover the pain
我が友よ さらに進もう
My friend, let's go ahead
希望をつかむ 虹の彼方へ
To chase our wishes beyond the rainbow
風が運ぶ 君の夢を
The wind will carry your dreams
Ah my beloved
鈴のような 君の歌を
Your song is like a bell
Ah a person who cannot be forgotten
約束しよう いつかかならず
Let's make a promise, someday for sure
悪徳を打ち払い 大地を黄金に
Push away immorality and turn the earth to gold
約束しよう 愛に満ちあふれ
Let's make a promise to overflow with love
鳳の翼で 我が胸に君を抱こう
I will hold you in my heart with my wings
Wrap an armor around your heart
まだ早い 戦はつづく
The still early, the war continues
My overflowing thoughts
胸に秘め 旗を掲げよ
Are hidden in my chest, hoist the flag
ただ突き進め 虹の彼方へ
Just push forward to go beyond the rainbow
風が運ぶ 君の夢を
The wind will carry your dreams
Ah my beloved
鈴のような 君の歌を
Your song is like a bell
Ah a person that cannot be forgotten
約束がいま 果たされるとき
The time to fulfill your promise is here
この命投げ捨てて 暗闇に光を
Throw away this life and light up the darkness
約束がいま 七色の虹へ
The promise is now at the seven colored rainbow
鳳の翼で 我が胸に君を抱こう
I will hold you in my heart with my wings
山が燃え 花が舞う
The mountain is burning and the flowers are dancing
ひるがえる万旗 ああ上海華撃団
Waving like the flags of the Shanghai Huawei Group