Translation of the song Ma dove vai artist Luigi Tenco


Ma dove vai

English translation

But Where Are You Going?

Ma dove vai—ma dove vai?

But where are you going—but where are you going?

Mi dici dove stai correndo?

Can you tell me to where you are rushing?

Vuoi arrivare in cima al mondo.

You want to climb to the top of the world.

Cosa credi di trovare mai?

Whatever do you believe you will find?

Dai retta a me—dai retta a me.

Listen to me—listen to me.

Non ti accorgi che nel mondo,

You do not realize that, in this world,

la gente gira gira in tondo

people go around in circles

cercando cose che non trova mai.

searching for things that they never find.

Ma dove vai—ma dove vai?

But where are you going—but where are you going?

Non butarre via i tuoi giorni

Do not throw away your days

pensando che verra il momento

thinking that the moment will come

in cui diventerai quel che non sei.

in which you will become something that you are not.

Dai retta a me—dai retta a me.

Listen to me—listen to me.

Guardati un pochino intorno—

Look for yourself a little bit everywhere—

verrai che il mondo di ogni giorno

you will see that the everyday world

puo' darti piu' di tutti sogni tuoi.

can give you more than all of your dreams.

Ma dove vai—ma dove vai?

But where are you going—but where are you going?

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