Translation of the song Quasi sera artist Luigi Tenco


Quasi sera

English translation

Almost Evening

Quasi sera,

Almost evening,

e tu eri con me,

and you were with me—

eravamo seduti

we were sitting

accanto al mare.

alongside the sea.

Quasi sera,

Almost evening,

e là, sopra la sabbia,

and there, on the sand,

c'erano ancora i segni

there were still signs

del nostro amore.

of our love.


I remember

che tu mi parlavi,

that you spoke to me—

io stavo guardando

I was watching

una vela passare:

a passing sail—

era bianca,

it was white,

era gonfia di vento,

it was swollen with wind,

era l'ultima vela:

it was the last sail—

era ormai quasi sera.

it was almost evening.

Quasi sera...

Almost evening,

e non ricordo altro,

and I don't remember anything else—

né la voce che avevi,

neither your voice

né il nome che avevi.

nor your name.

Quasi sera...

Almost evening

e poi non t'ho più vista,

and then I never saw you again,

non ho mai più saputo

I never knew anything more

di te, della tua vita.

of you, of your life.


I remember

di noi soprattutto

of us, above all,

la vela che a un tratto

the sail that suddenly

sfiorò il nostro amore:

brushed by our love—

era bianca,

it was white,

e dopo un momento

and, after a moment,

io la stavo cercando

I was searching for it

ma non c'era che il vento.

but there was nothing there but the wind.

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