Translation of the song Serenella artist Luigi Tenco



English translation


Avevi gli occhi azzurro mare

You had eyes of blue like the sea;

eri l'amica di tutti i fiori

you were the friend of all the flowers;

parlavi solo di cose belle

you spoke only of beautiful things;

eri l'amica delle stelle

you were a friend of the stars;

una volta

one time

ti ho guardato

I looked at you

e mi sono innamorato

and I fell in love.

Serenella, Serenella


com'eri dolce, com'eri bella

how sweet were you, how beautiful were you—

Serenella, Serenella


com'eri buona, com'eri bella

how good were you, how beautiful were you.

Come un bambino vuol mostrare

Just as a child wants to show off

a tutti i quanti il suo tesoro

to all around his treasure,

io ti ho portato ad un gran ballo

I took you to a grand ball

in un bellissimo castello

in a very beautiful castle—

felice, emozionato

happy, excited

al principe ti ho mostrato

to the prince I showed you off.

Serenella, Serenella


com'eri dolce, com'eri bella

how sweet were you, how beautiful were you—

Serenella, Serenella


com'eri buona, com'eri bella

how good were you, how beautiful were you.

Io mi ricordo quella sera

I recall that evening

che mentre solo ritornavo

as I was returning alone

piangevo e ancora ti vedevo

I cried and I still pictured you

insieme al principe ballare

together with the prince dancing.

un momento ti ho lasciata

I left you a moment

e tu m'hai dimenticato

and you forgot me.

Serenella, Serenella


com'eri dolce, com'eri bella

how sweet were you, how beautiful were you—

Serenella, Serenella


com'eri buona, com'eri bella

how good were you, how beautiful were you.

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