Translation of the song Una brava ragazza artist Luigi Tenco


Una brava ragazza

English translation

A Good Girl

Se tu fossi una brava ragazza

If you were a good girl—

alla sera invece di uscire

in the evening instead of going out,

andresti a dormire.

you would stay in and go to sleep.

Al mattino invece di dormire

In the morning instead of sleeping,

andresti a messa.

you would go to Mass.

Se tu fossi una brava ragazza

If you were a good girl—

quando incontri per la strada una di quelle

when you meet on the street one of those,

guarderesti altrove

you would look away

invece di stare ad osservare

instead of staring at

come si muove.

how he moves.

Non mi daresti baci per la strada

You wouldn't give me kisses on the street

davanti a tutti, davanti a tutti.

in front of everyone, in front of everyone.

Non mi diresti che la notte sogni

You wouldn't tell me that your dream at night

di avermi accanto, lì nel tuo letto.

is to have me next to you, there in your bed.

Se tu fossi una brava ragazza,

If you were a good girl,

l'ideale della donna da sposare,

the ideal woman to marry,

candida e pura,

innocent and pure—

è probabile che al nostro primo incontro

it's likely that, at our first meeting,

t'avrei mollata

I would have dumped you

anziché insistere tanto, come ho fatto,

instead of insisting so much, as I did,

per rivederti.

to see you again.

Non mi daresti baci per la strada

You wouldn't give me kisses on the street

davanti a tutti, davanti a tutti.

in front of everyone, in front of everyone.

Non mi diresti che la notte sogni

You wouldn't tell me that your dream at night

di avermi accanto, lì nel tuo letto.

is to have me next to you, there in your bed.

Se tu fossi una brava ragazza

If you were a good girl—

alla sera invece di uscire

in the evening instead of going out,

andresti a dormire.

you would stay in and go to sleep.

Al mattino invece di dormire

In the morning instead of sleeping,

andresti a messa.

you would go to Mass.

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