Translation of the song 一本刀土俵入り artist Haruo Minami
The entrance ceremony with swords
千両万両 積んだとて
Even if they collect thousands of coins
銭(ぜに)じゃ買えない 人ごころ
Money can't buy a human heart
受けた情の 数々に
The sympathy I received was plenty
上州子鴉 泣いて居ります
The Jōshū ravens cry
泣いて居ります この通り
They cry on this road
It's the first time I meet
With such a good young lady
Yes, yes, surely you are.
The young lady sees me like a great champion
Then, before the grave of my mother
I want to do the stylish entrance ceremony
野暮な浮世の うら表
On both sides of this sad foolish world
教えこまれて 一昔
The ages have given me the idea
夢でござんす なにもかも
Everything exists in dreams
角力(すもう)修業も 今じゃ日蔭の
Who trained to be a sumo wrestler
今じゃ日蔭の 三度笠
Now wears a hat of shadows
I didn't become a sumo wrestler but a gangster
In the case you ask about me.
Young lady, I wish you come soon
To give you this money. It's the chance to hurry.
後はあっしが 引受けました。
After I undertook to do it.
さァ、早く 早く 行きなさいまし。
Please come soon.
Ah, hi, Otsutasan
親子三人、何時までも 仲良く御暮しなさんせ。
Since when you live with a husband and a child?
十年前に 櫛、笄、巾着ぐるみ、
Ten years ago you were a prostitute with come and hairpins
意見を貰った 姐はんへ、
At least the lady who gave me her opinion
Will see me doing a ceremony entrance
しがねぇ姿の 土俵入りでござんす。」
Of a Komagata-born worthless
御恩返しの 真似ごとは
The make believe of a repayment
取手(とって)宿場の 仁義沙汰
Is a duty command in Toride
御覧下され お蔦さん
Please accept it, Otsutasan
せめて茂兵衛の 花の手数(でず)入り
At least is Mohei's champion display
花の手数入り 土俵入り
The entrance ceremony of a champion