Translation of the song 雪の渡り鳥 artist Haruo Minami
Snow migratory bird
合羽からげて 三度笠
A hat tied to a cape
どこを塒(ねぐら)の 渡り鳥
Where's the nest of a migratory bird
愚痴じゃなけれど この俺にゃ 帰る瀬もない
Though I don't complain, there are no returning shoals
伊豆の下田の 灯が恋し
I miss the lights of Izu and Shimoda
意地に生きるが 男だと
I'm a man who lives proudly
胸にきかせて 旅ぐらし
I say to my chest that I live traveling
三月三年 今もなお 思い切れずに
Three months, three years, I still can't give up
残る未練が 泣いている
The lingering affections I leave behind cry
はらい除(の)けても 降りかゝる
Though I ward off, they happen
何を恨みの 雪しぐれ
What regrets have the rain and the snow?
俺も鯉名の 銀平さ 抜くか長脇差(どす)
I'm Koina no Ginpei and if I draw my long sword,
ぬけば白刃に 血の吹雪
In my sword there will be a blood blizzard