Translation of the song Act1tud artist Dakillah
(Me gusta para que quede arriba)
(I like it to be on top)
(You-you like me?)
(You-you like me?)
Dice que sobra actitud, pero actitud veo poca
He says that there is too much attitude, but I see little attitude
Hablan del money y del hood porque les jode ver que otro lo toca
They talk about money and the hood because it bothers them to see that someone else touches it
La buena sin hablar de us-ted o de su vida loca
The good one without talking about you or your crazy life
Baby esto es pa' tu bebe que cuando me escucha me mira y se saca la ropa
Baby this is for your baby who when he hears me he looks at me and takes off his clothes
Dice que sobra actitud, pero actitud veo poca
He says that there is too much attitude, but I see little attitude
Hablan del money y del hood porque les jode ver que otro lo toca
They talk about money and the hood because it bothers them to see that someone else touches it
La buena sin hablar de us-ted o de su vida loca
The good one without talking about you or your crazy life
Baby esto es pa' tu bebe que cuando me escucha me mira y se saca la na'
Baby this is for your baby who when he hears me he looks at me and takes off the na '
[Verso 1]
[Verse 1]
Yo no quiero alguien caro (ey), que me compre lo' zapato' (ah)
I don't want someone expensive (hey), to buy me the 'shoe' (ah)
Hago mi plata yo sola (eh), y sola lavo mis platos (ah)
I make my money by myself (eh), and alone I wash my dishes (ah)
No me importa lo que digan si les gane hace rato
I don't care what they say if I beat them a while ago
Sigan comiendo la' miga', que me volé por mis tantos
Keep eating the 'crumb', that I flew by my many
Baby cambiando la liga, haciéndolo de otra manera
Baby changing the league, doing it differently
Ahora te habla Dakillah pero todavía es Morena
Now Dakillah speaks to you but she is still brunette
Viviendo un estilo de vida-como cualquiera
Living a lifestyle-like anyone
No me como las historias de minas
I don't eat mine stories
Que por ser minas creen-que pueden ser raperas
That because they are mines they think they can be rappers
Solo estoy afrontando la gira
I'm just facing the tour
Haciendo mis historias puestas en rimas
Making my stories put into rhymes
Yo no quiero Reebok ni Mac
I don't want Reebok or Mac
No me digan Nike o Adidas
Don't tell me Nike or Adidas
Voy a hace' una marca que sea mía
I'm going to make a brand that is mine
Pa' llevar puesta todos los dias
To wear every day
Para no olvidarme quien era pero tampoco perder la expectativa
So as not to forget who I was but not to lose expectation
Dice que sobra actitud, pero actitud veo poca
He says that there is too much attitude, but I see little attitude
Antes querían ser rappers, ahora dicen que son Rockstars
Before they wanted to be rappers, now they say they are Rockstars
Así que no escuches a nadie, contá los cuatro de copas
So don't listen to anybody, count four of drinks
Un día todos nos morimos pero por ahora a nadie le importa
One day we all die but for now nobody cares
[Verso 2]
[Verse 2]
Que ma'-si esta-sen la mita'-toca' fondo y te va-fuera de-tema-y te que-ma
What the hell if this-in-the-middle hits' bottom and you go-off-topic-and you burn-ma
Bby, keep calm, restart, dont cry, you know, they'll talk, but you'll be all right
Bby, keep calm, restart, dont cry, you know, they'll talk, but you'll be all right
Bebe yo no me comparo
Baby, I don't compare myself
Con los pies lejos del piso
With feet off the floor
Mi sonido suena caro
My sound sounds expensive
Si usted lo hizo malo es porque usted quiso
If you did it bad it is because you wanted to
De la party, la queen
From the party, the queen
Pensando que to está okey
Thinking that everything is ok
No significa que eso sea así
Does not mean that this is so
Se pone crazy si le hablo y la hago bailar
She gets crazy if I talk to her and make her dance
Se mueve cuando me pongo a cantar
It moves when I start to sing
Dice que no pue' parar
He says that he can't stop
Creo que me tiene adelante y empieza a bajar
I think he has me ahead and starts to go down
Porque esta vida es dificil
Because this life is difficult
Y la mayoría vive de so' criticar
And most of them live by criticizing
Dice que sobra actitud, pero actitud veo poca
He says that there is too much attitude, but I see little attitude
Hablan del money y del hood porque les jode ver
They talk about the money and the hood because it hurts to see
Que otro lo toca
That another touches it
La buena sin hablar de us-ted o de su vida loca
The good one without talking about you or your crazy life
Baby esto es pa' tu bebe que cuando me escucha me mira y se saca la ropa
Baby this is for your baby who when he hears me he looks at me and takes off his clothes
Dice que sobra actitud, pero actitud veo poca
He says that there is too much attitude, but I see little attitude
Antes querían ser rappers, ahora dicen que son Rockstars
Before they wanted to be rappers, now they say they are Rockstars
Así que no escuches a nadie, contá los cuatro de copas
So don't listen to anybody, count four of drinks
Un día todos nos morimos pero por ahora a nadie le importa
One day we all die but for now nobody cares