Translation of the song Number one artist Dakillah
Number one
Number one
[Verso 1]
[Verse 1]
No quiero vender
I don't want to sell
Tampoco que me vendan
Neither that they sell me
Los locos hablan de dios
Crazy people talk about God
Nosotros hacemos ofrendas
We make offerings
Queriendo ser god en 2 levels
Wanting to be god in 2 levels
De absenta
El nene perdió cuando vio caer mis prendas
The baby lost when he saw my clothes fall
No se si soy yo
I don't know if it's me
O si es quien se oferta
Or if it is who is offered
El problem sos vos o es ella?
Is the problem you or is it her?
Cara de bestia y cuerpo de doncella
Beast face and maiden body
Mirada asesina
Killer stare
Pussy 240
Pussy 240
Estaba esperando al momento perfecto
I was waiting for the perfect moment
Pa que aceptes pa que tenes mas defectos
So that you accept that you have more defects
Que agua en el aire
What water in the air
Que tierra en el cielo
What land in the sky
Yo soy una rapper y vos crees serlo
I am a rapper and you think you are
Baby tate high que la vida es la misma
Baby tate high that life is the same
No importa que cambies si no hay 2 puntos de vista
It doesn't matter if you change if there aren't 2 points of view
Escucha mi cypher
Listen to my cypher
Ponelo en tu lista
Put it on your list
Hago que se calle quien dice ser artista
I make him shut up who claims to be an artist
No busco bardo
I'm not looking for a bard
No soy poco lista
I am not little smart
El bardo me busca
The bard seeks me
No dejo que insista
I don't let him insist
Deje de mirarlo a 6 tempos del tictac
Stop looking at it 6 tempos from ticking
Rentaste la muerte
You rented death
Bitch hasta la vista
Bitch goodbye
Me caigo en su juego
I fall for their game
Y no hacen efecto
And they don't take effect
Vuelvo al mercao en busca de alcohol
I go back to the market in search of alcohol
Tomándome un ron o fumando un habano
Having a rum or smoking a cigar
Cambio la cara y me siento mejor
I change my face and I feel better
Veo que to' está cambiao
I see that everything is changed
Antes perdonaba y ahora pido por favor
Before I forgave and now I ask please
Que el dia recuerde el afecto
May the day remember affection
Y que borre el pasao pa despues no sentirme inferior
And that I erase the past so that later I do not feel inferior
No me importa lo que me digan
I don't care what they tell me
Están tos' locos
They are cough 'crazy
Hay varios que hablan sólo por hablar
There are several who speak just to speak
Algunos cuentan mucho y muchos saben poco
Some count a lot and many know little
Pero todos creen siempre que son el number one
But everyone always thinks they are number one
No me importa lo que me digan
I don't care what they tell me
Están tos' locos
They are cough 'crazy
Hay varios que hablan sólo por hablar
There are several who speak just to speak
Algunos cuentan mucho y muchos saben poco
Some count a lot and many know little
Pero todos creen siempre que son el number one
But everyone always thinks they are number one
[Verso 2]
[Verse 2]
Si alguna vez he mentio'
If I have ever lied
Pero ya no miento
But I no longer lie
Hoy sólo confío
Today I just trust
Cambié los cimientos
I changed the foundation
A block construtivos
Constructive blocks
Me hice un castillo
I made myself a castle
A un prince
To a prince
Y to mi armamento
And all my weapons
Si el lunes lloraba
If on Monday I cried
El viernes sonrio
On friday i smile
Quiero volar por las nubes
I want to fly through the clouds
Saber que siempre to lo que baja sube
Know that what goes down always goes up
Y to lo que sube se baja tambien
And what goes up comes down too
Quien escupe pa arriba no entiende eso
Who spits up does not understand that
Y solo presume
And just show off
Uh man
Uh man
Everyone says
Everyone says
Hay que ser real
You have to be real
Yo solo digo sniff ur cocaine
I just say sniff ur cocaine
Ya na mas hay que pensar
Nothing more you have to think
La suerte esta en venta
Luck is for sale
Y yo soy la medida
And I am the measure
A la que tus millones intentan llegar
To which your millions try to reach
No hablo de la cream ni los nombro a tus niggas
I don't talk about the cream or name them your niggas
Porque no es algo que me vaya a importar
Because it's not something I'm going to care about
What up daughter? Te noto los ojos brillantes
What up daughter? I notice your bright eyes
Si vieja es que visto dolce gabbana
If old is that I seen dolce gabbana
Y note que los quilates
And notice that the carats
En las pupilas
In the pupils
Quedan elegantes
They are elegant
Se que el tiempo puede pasar
I know that time can pass
Que la fama se sube y a mi me da igual
That fame rises and I don't care
Porque sigo siendo la misma de antes
Because I'm still the same as before
No me importa lo que me digan
I don't care what they tell me
Están tos' locos
They are cough 'crazy
Hay varios que hablan sólo por hablar
There are several who speak just to speak
Algunos cuentan mucho y muchos saben poco
Some count a lot and many know little
Pero todos creen siempre que son el number one
But everyone always thinks they are number one
No me importa lo que me digan
I don't care what they tell me
Están tos' locos
They are cough 'crazy
Hay varios que hablan sólo por hablar
There are several who speak just to speak
Algunos cuentan mucho y muchos saben poco
Some count a lot and many know little
Pero todos creen siempre que son el number one
But everyone always thinks they are number one