Translation of the song Solo Quiero Bailar artist Dakillah
Solo Quiero Bailar
I just want to dance
Hoy solo quiero bailar, ya no me busques
Today I just want to dance, don't look for me anymore
Alguien más me va a cuidar, baby, no te asustes
Someone else is going to take care of me, baby, don't be scared
'Tamo' en la pared rolay, vivimos a fules
'Tamo' on the wall roll, we live in fules
No la vayas a esperar, ella ya se fue
Don't wait for her, she's already gone
Hoy solo quiero bailar, ya no me busques
Today I just want to dance, don't look for me anymore
Alguien más me va a cuidar, baby, no te asustes
Someone else is going to take care of me, baby, don't be scared
'Tamo' en la pared rolay, vivimos a fules
'Tamo' on the wall roll, we live in fules
No la vayas a esperar, ella ya se fue
Don't wait for her, she's already gone
[Verso 1]
[Verse 1]
Sorry, honey, esta noche no estoy
Sorry, honey, I'm not here tonight
Por fa', no te vayas a enojar
Please don't be mad
Ni te digo para donde voy
I don't even tell you where I'm going
Porque sé que te vas a molestar, ay, ay
Because I know you're going to get upset, ay, ay
On the dance floor, papi, yo sola
On the dance floor, daddy, by myself
Pero no te molestes, si ya te ví con otra
But don't bother, if I already saw you with another
No hay nuestro hoy te cobra
There is no ours today charges you
Yo por cada vez que me dejaste rota
Me for every time you left me broken
No me prometas, no me prometas
Don't promise me, don't promise me
Que no te creo (Que no te creo)
I don't believe you (I don't believe you)
Ve mi libreta, está toda completa
See my notebook, it's all complete
No 'toy para cuentos y juegos
No 'toy for stories and games
No siguiendo meta
Not following goal
Queriendo mi letra escrita en un trofeo
Wanting my handwriting written on a trophy
Asi que, papi, déjame en la party
So daddy leave me at the party
Que en dos horas hago 10k de Joseo
That in two hours I do 10k of Joseo
Hoy solo quiero bailar, ya no me busques
Today I just want to dance, don't look for me anymore
Alguien más me va a cuidar, baby, no te asustes
Someone else is going to take care of me, baby, don't be scared
'Tamo' en la pared rolay, vivimos a fules
'Tamo' on the wall roll, we live in fules
No la vayas a esperar, ella ya se fue
Don't wait for her, she's already gone
Hoy solo quiero bailar, ya no me busques
Today I just want to dance, don't look for me anymore
Alguien más me va a cuidar, baby, no te asustes
Someone else is going to take care of me, baby, don't be scared
'Tamo' en la pared rolay, vivimos a fules
'Tamo' on the wall roll, we live in fules
No la vayas a esperar, ella ya se fue
Don't wait for her, she's already gone
[Verso 2]
[Verse 2]
Tiene poca ropa, dice que siente calor
He has few clothes, he says he feels hot
Hace tres o cuatro horas que anda tomando alcohol
You've been drinking alcohol for three or four hours
Baila como si la noche tuviera el control
Dance like the night is in control
Pinta con cara de mala, ya no está pensando en vos
He paints with a bad face, he is no longer thinking of you
Papi, ¿que queda si perdimos to'?
Daddy, what's left if we lost everything?
Pensé que estar juntos era lo mejor
I thought being together was the best
Pero conocí otro estilo de vida
But I knew another way of life
Donde no tengo que estar mal yo
Where I don't have to be wrong
On the dance floor, papi, yo sola
On the dance floor, daddy, by myself
Pero no te molestes, si ya te ví con otra
But don't bother, if I already saw you with another
No hay nuestro, hoy te cobra
There is no ours, today it charges you
Yo por cada vez que me dejaste rota
Me for every time you left me broken
Hoy solo quiero bailar, ya no me busques
Today I just want to dance, don't look for me anymore
Alguien más me va a cuidar, baby, no te asustes
Someone else is going to take care of me, baby, don't be scared
'Tamo' en la pared rolay, vivimos a fules
'Tamo' on the wall roll, we live in fules
No la vayas a esperar, ella ya se fue
Don't wait for her, she's already gone