Translation of the song Dehär e min by (KAJ 10) artist KAJ

Swedish (dialects)

Dehär e min by (KAJ 10)

English translation

This is my village (KAJ 10)

Gråa lador, gula fält

Gray barns, yellow fields

He e he enda ja naingang ha känt

They are the only things I have ever known

Gålan röd å knutan vit

Red houses and white knots

He e he enda ja naingang ha sitt

They are the only things I have ever seen

Å ja vejt, att itt e låter så bedrövlit

And I know that it doesn't sound that terrible

Å ja vejt, att ja har allt som e behövlit

And I know that I have everything I need

Men fast ja vejt, allt ede

But even though I know, everything there

Så har ja it na ti jämför me

I don't have anything to compare it to

Dehär e mitt heim, dehär e min by

This is my home, this is my village

Ja sko itt byt an måot in ny

I wouldn't change it to anything new

Ja känder all föussin

I know all the cowsheds

Å bakanett knöussin

And over the hill

Ere bara massa sly

there is only bunch of bushes

Ja ha drömd, om ett ställ

I have dreamt of a place

Tär man får va se själv å it måst klä se i flanell

Where you can be yourself and don't have to dress in flannel

Ett paradis tär man får välg

A paradise where you can choose

Mellan meir än ti stick sockor elo styck in älg

Between more than knitting socks or butchering elk

Ja inom mig, tär ha e väckts ett hopp

Yeah, inside me, a hope has been growing

Om ett liv me meir än bara päror å kalops

of a life with more than only potatoes and beef stew

Dehär e mitt heim, dehär e min by

This is my home, this is my village

Om ja sko byt an måot in ny

If I would change it to something new

Tå sko ja slipp föussin

Then I would avoid the cowshed

Å bakanett knöussin

And over the hill

Sko ja sii en nyan vy

I would see a new view

Me öppna landskap å oändliga hav

With open landscapes and never-ending seas

Utan talko å utan krav

Without community work and without requirements

Tär itt allt handlar om blåbärin

Where everything isn't about blueberries

Tär ja sko pass in

There I would fit in

(Josua, allt som såolin rör vid e vårt kommunala rike å ein dag ska allt var dett!

(Josua, everything the light touches is our municipal kingdom and one day it will all be yours!

Men va finns på ada sidon åv murin?

But what is on the other side of the wall?

Vi gar aldri dit! He je ett hööfäälot ställ å bara na lollloll!)

We never go there! It is a haughty place with only some bling bling!)

Ja vejt it va ja vill

I don't know what I want

Va ska ja ta me till?

What will I do?

E finns jo itt na lätt svar på dehär

The are no easy answers to this

Fast ja jär rätt

Even if I choose right

Så blir e heilt feil på na sätt

It will be wrong in some way

Ååh va ska ja jär?

Oh, what will I do?

Dehär e mitt heim, dehär e min by

This is my home, this is my village

Ja sko itt byt an måot in ny

I would not change it to something new

Men ja ha sitt all föussin

But I have seen all the cowsheds

Å bakanett knöussin

And over the hill

Finns e meir än bara sly

There is more than only bushes

E finns na som drar

There is something that tugs me in

Å nainting so halde me kvar

And something keeping me still

Ja sko konn fly

I could flee

Papp sko få plock sina egna bär

Father should pick his own berries

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