Translation of the song Jåo, nåo e ja jåo yolo, ja nåo artist KAJ


Jåo, nåo e ja jåo yolo, ja nåo

English translation

Well, yes, I am YOLO indeed

En pensalbåo på 50 år,

A 50-year-old resident from Pensala,1

an fåor å dansa på in club igår.

he went to dance at the club yesterday.

An narra frun å natta bånin:

He fooled his wife and put his children to sleep:

Ja ska på mööt, e kan ta ti månin

I am going to a meeting, it might last until tomorrow.

An smejt iväg nu, var e fest,

He ran off, now it was time for party,

me flanellskjorto å läderväst.

with a flannel shirt and leather west.

Steig ur taxin å tacka fö skjussin,

He stepped out of the taxi, said thanks for the trip,

ikväll ska pappa var i kadusin.

tonight daddy's gonna be drunk.

An kom in, ståo å så se omkring,

He came in, stood and looked around,

å gick fram ti en brud, kanski fabbo får bjud?

he went up to a girl, perhaps daddy might offer a drink?

On skåda på an a skratta till,

She looked at him and started laughing,

Nåo få do he om e he do vill,

Well, you can do that, if that's what you want,

å förästin ja heiter Daisy,

and by the way, my name's Daisy,

e do alls na ung å crazy?

are you even young and crazy?

- Jåo, nåo e ja jåo yolo, ja nåo.

- Well, yes, I am YOLO indeed.

Fabbos feelis va heilt åotråoli,

That night daddy felt incredible,

slipsin på hovo tå an ståo på båoli.

he had his tie upon his head while standing on the table.

Daisy tyckt e va hot å gott,

Daisy thought it was hot and nice,

tå en 50 plussar gedd belly shot.

when someone of 50+ years provided belly shots.

Plötsligt fick an on placera,

Suddenly, he remembered who she was,

vi gedd on en skeid tå on vart konfirmera

we gave her a spoon when she was confirmated.2

Tå kom an på na som gedd an hickon:

Then he remembered something that gave him hiccups:

e va jo Tom å Gunillas flickon!

it was Tom's and Gunilla's daughter!

An vart stum, ståo å känd se heilt dum,

He became mute, stood and felt stupid,

men an ångra itt naa, tills väktarin kom å sa:

but he did not regret anything, until the bouncer came:

Höö do gubb, do e ganska lame,

Hey you, old timer, you are pretty lame,

tycker e je dags att to fa heim.

I think it's about time you go home.

Bryr it me alls va do sejr,

I don't care about what you say,

to e itt na ung na meir.

you are not young anymore.

- Jåo, nåo e ja jåo yolo, ja nåo.

- Well, yes, I am YOLO indeed.

- Jåo, nåo e ja jåo yolo, ja nåo.

- Well, yes, I am YOLO indeed.

An smeit undan väktaren,

He escaped from the bouncer,

tåo å spurta åpp på scen.

ran and jumped onto the stage.

Grabba micken åv herr DJ,

Took the mic from Mr. DJ,

no hadd fabbo nainting ti sej:

now daddy had something to say:

Alla pojkar å flickor å partyfreakar,

All boys and girls and party freaks,

no ska ni hör tå fabbo predikar.

now listen to daddy preaching.

Fast ni tycker ni e ong å gälin,

Even though you think you are young and crazy,

va e nåo vilt å förr i väädin.

it was also pretty crazy in the past.

Nu dansar ni på i in enda tållo,

Now you are dancing around in one big bunch,

å dricker shottan ur magapollon,

and drinking shots from each other's navels,

vi drack he vi hitta på Gostas vind,

we drank what we found in Gosta's attic,

varannan vatten tå nain vart blind.

when someone got blind, every second drink was water.

Vi fåor på dansin i finast stass,

We went to dance in our finest clothes,

å bjöud opp om itt e va damernas.

and offered the women to dance.

Den hä barin, vita ni,

This bar, you know,

förr va de här länsmans kansli,

it used to be the county office.

Tå va do va tåff om du kunna spik.

Then you were cool, if you could hammer in a nail,

do vart jåolo om du grävd it dik.

and you were yolo, if you could dig a ditch.

No far ja heim men ni minns väl nåo:

Now I am going home, but do remember:

Jåo, nåo e ja jåo yolo, ja nåo.

Well, yes, I am YOLO indeed.

Jåo, nåo e ja jåo yolo, ja nåo.

Well, yes, I am YOLO indeed.

Jåo, nåo e ja jåo yolo, ja nåo.

Well, yes, I am YOLO indeed.

Dagen efter tå an vakna åpp,

When he woke up the following day,

kom tjängin in me en kaffikopp:

his wife came in with a cup of coffee:

E do na tröitt å gick mööti bra?

Are you tired, did the meeting go well?

Ja bjöud in Tom å Gunilla ida!

I have invited Tom and Gunilla today!

- Ne, ne itt ere vel lege fö he...

- No, please, it is not the time that...

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