Translation of the song Kom ti byin artist KAJ

Swedish (dialects)

Kom ti byin

English translation

Come to the village

Maxmo, he e ett ställ me driv

Maxmo, it is a place with drive

Jär kan do å ska do spender ett liv

Here you can and will spend a life

Vi har allting mellan himmel å jåod

We have everything between heaven and Earth

En brandkår en kyrko en handilsbåod

A fire department, a church, a store

Å vejjin som e brejd å fin

And a road that is wide and fine

Vissa stannar, men tem flesta kör föbi

Some stay, but the most drive past

så svänginin in å sii na najs

so come here and see something nice

Österbottens westcoast paradise

Ostrobothnia's westcoast paradise

Jär var fistjin i distjin aldri bad

Here has the fish on the counter never been bad

Fö haavi havi havi jär i allon vääd

for we have had the fishing net here in all weathers

Speciellt sommartid e kommersin bra

Especially in the summer the commerce is great

tå kesävierat tulevat Maksamaan

as the summer guests come to Maxmo (to pay)1

Så ta chansin, la sommarkransin

So take a chance, make a summer wreath

Å kom ti gubbholmsbadi på dansin

And come to Gubbholmsbadi2 for a dance

Tå paviljongen e full så e allt på topp

When the pavilion is full then everything's in top condition

Å e je Maxmo själv som bjuder åpp

And it's Maxmo who invites you

Tå do siir tecknin i skyin

When you see the marks in the sky

Kom ti byin, kom ti byin!

Come to the village, come to the village!

E finns itt na fö seint elo biti

There is no being too late or early

Kom ti city, kom ti city!

Come to the city, come to the city!

Hilkka ha pilkka na brax no

Hilkka has jigged some bream now

Kom ti Maxmo, kom ti Maxmo!

Come to Maxmo, come to Maxmo!

Ha do itt vari förr ere dags no

If you haven't been here before, it's now time for that

Kom ti Maxmo, kom ti Maxmo!

Come to Maxmo, come to Maxmo!

Kör ut i skåojin, kör langt å läng

Drive in the forest, drive far and for a long time

Tå den råopar Hurri, ere dags ti sväng

When they shout Hurrri3, it's time to turn around

E je himmelriket du gissa e

It is heaven, you guessed it

Men blinkar do så ha do missa e

But if you blink, you have missed it

Vi har ett träsk en skåola å mycke mer

We have a swamp, a school, and much more

Nej minus skåolan fö han la ner

No, minus the school for he shut (it) down

E finns nager lindor, lador å träsk

We have some fallows, barns and swamps

Så gröjtin å fishin e fucking fäsk

So the porridge and fish are fucking fresh

På påsk ja tå festar vi

On Easter, yes, when we party

På lokalin me korvin å lotteri

In the premises with sausage and the lottery

Fö tå brinder brason å vi jetär plättan

For then the bonfire burns and we eat pancakes

Brason an tänds me EU blankettan

The bonfire has been lit with EU forms

Hoppamäki e vår högsta punkt

Hoppamäki, it's our highest point

Tid skidar vi å he e jävlit tungt

We ski there and it's fucking hard

Bakom knöussin sir ni Haapa rian

Behind the hill, you see Haapa cabin4

Little known fact: Ja vart laga i an

Little known fact: I was made in it

Tå do sir tecknin i skyin

When you see the marks in the sky

Kom ti byin, Kom ti byin

Come to the village, Come to the village

E finns itt na fö seint elo biti

There is no being too late or early

Kom ti city, kom ti city

Come to the city, come to the city

Denhä byjin e byans number one

This village is the number one of all the villages

Kåomåsan, kåomåsan

Komossa, komossa5

Arbeit på talko e va vi kan

Work at a talkoo6 is what we can do

Kåomåsan, kåomåsan

Komossa, Komossa

E je mang leis

It is many-sided

E haa ti ga

It must go



Riksin, Österbottens route sixtysix

Riksin, Ostroborhnia's route sixtysix

Sväng in me Las Palvis för din koffeinfix

Come to Las Palvis for your caffeine fix

Hid gar vägin bakom takana

Here goes a road behind takana7

Flest tjälahål per capita

Most holes in the road from ground frost per capita

Itt så myttjy ti sii, e je va e je

There isn't much to see, it is what it is

En åker tide, tide å tide

A field for you, for you and for you

Myttjy gambäfolk, dem hör it va ja seir

A lot of old people, they don't hear what I say

Nativitetin e låg, vi var knappt na fleir

Fertility is low, we are barely any more

E va hårda tider växt åpp i vildmarkin

It was hard growing up in the wilderness

Levd på råmjölk, råjjin, rå köti å barkin

Lived with raw milk, rye, raw meat and bark

Hängd me djurin sidan ja bleiv född

Hanging out with animals since I was born

Puppe heitt kaninin, e va sad tå an dödd

The rabbit's name was Puppe, it was sad when it died

Per-Erik va tuppin, ja herre på täppan

Per-Erik was a rooster, yes, the lord of the lands

Tills rävin tåo an å vägra släpp an

Until a fox took it and refused to let go

Ein åv tjuran råka stärv

One of the bulls happened to die

Stackars Börje, gåodan kärv

Poor Börje, it was delicious sausage

Tå do sir teckninni skyin

When you see the marks in the sky

Kom ti byin, Kom ti byin

Come to the village, Come to the village

E finns it na för seint elo biti

There is no being too late or early

Kom ti city kom ti city

Come to the city come to the city

E je bästa ställi på all vis

It's the best place in all ways

Kom ti Palvis, Kom ti Palvis

Come to Palvis, Come to Palvis

Kör från Vöro ti Maxmo - halvis

Drive från Vörå to Maxmo - half the way

Kom ti Palvis, Kom ti Palvis

Come to Palvis, Come to Palvis

E sker itt na men e var myki jåort

Nothing happens but there's a lot of soil

He e gängstä livi på en glesbygdsåort

It's gangster life living in the countryside

No ha vi lämna båoi, flujji ur holkin

Now we have left the nest, flown out of the hulk

Do kan ta pojkin ur byin, men it byin ur pojkin

You can take the boys out of the village, but not the village out of the boys

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