Translation of the song Dod, Dieviņi artist Līga Priede
Dod, Dieviņi
God, give me
Dod, Dieviņi, dodamo
Give me, God*, what you have to give
Es saņemšu ņemamo
I will take what I have to take
Es saņemšu ņemamo
I will take what I have to take
Ar abām rociņām
With both my hands*
Dod, Dieviņi, lietum līt
God let the rain fall
Nejās tautas pieguļā
People will not pasture their horses at night
Būs manām telītēm
My little heifers*
Svētu rītu āboliņ’
Will have clover in the saint morning
Dod, Dieviņi, man zirdziņu
God give me a horse*
Es negribu lepni jāt
I don’t want to ride out proudly
Birzī man pieši auga
My spurs grew in a birch forest
Liepienā iemauktiņi
Bridle* in a linden forest
Dod, Dieviņi, siltu sauli
God, give the warm sun
Jel vakara pusītē
In the evening hours
Dod, Dieviņi, lēnas tautas
God, give placid people
Jel mūžiņa galiņā
At the ending* of a lifetime*