Translation of the song Draudzība artist Līga Priede



English translation


Šī diena pelēka - dziest katra doma priecīga

This day is grey, every happy thought fades out

Un laiks pa dzīves ceļiem strauji rit

and time runs fast through the roads of life.

Šī rīta saullēktā stari zuda miglas burvībā

At sunrise, the rays give in to the charm of the fog;

Gaisma vēlas atkal debess zilgmē tikt

the light still wants to spread over the blue of the sky.

Un tu nāc, kâ manis aicināts

And you come as if you were called.

Jo pie tevis šodien skrien mans prāts

Today my mind reaches out to you

Smaidot saku: Esi mīļi sveicināts!

and, smiling, I softly say: hello!

Kâ tev iet pēc gadiem šiem

How are you doing after all these years,

Pēc daudziem sniegiem kritušiem

after all this snowfall?

Kas sasniegts un kas dzīvē piepildīts

What have you achieved, what have you fulfilled in life?

Nāc man līdz uz mirkli šodien

Come to see me for a while today;

Nozudīsim debesīs

we’ll lose ourselves in the sky

Un laika ritums mirklī izdzisīs

and the pulse of time will fade out instantly.

Cik jauks ir pārsteigums

What a nice surprise,

Ka atkal tikties ļauts ir mums

this chance to see each other again!

Šajā rītā atkal saulains kļuvis viss

This morning everything has become sunny again.

No miglas tās, kas sauli tin

Wind gusts plait warm clouds

Vēja brāzmas siltus vālus pin

of the fog that muffles up the sun

Un nu atkal mums ir vaļā debesis

and the sky can be seen again.

Un tu ej - pretī pasaulei

And we go to meet the world,

Un par to, kas bijis, klusi smej

we laugh at the things that happened,

Jo starp draugiem vienmēr prieka dzirkstis dej

because between friends there’s always a spark of joy.

Kâ tev iet pēc gadiem šiem

How are you doing after all these years,

Pēc daudziem sniegiem kritušiem

after all this snowfall?

Kas sasniegts un kas dzīvē piepildīts

What have you achieved, what have you fulfilled in life?

Nāc man līdz uz mirkli šodien

Come to see me for a while today,

Nozudīsim debesīs

we’ll lose ourselves in the sky

Un laika ritums mirklī izdzisīs

and the pulse of time will fade out instantly.

Nāc man līdzi debesīs

Come to see me in the sky!

Nāc man līdzi debesīs

Come to see me in the sky!

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