Translation of the song Lūgšana artist Līga Priede



English translation


Kungs, kas zāles čukstus dzirdi, kas pat smilgai neliec ciest,

Lord, who hears the whispers of the grass, who doesn't even make the redtop suffer

Vārdi ir, kas latvju sirdīs deg un kvēl un nenodziest.

Words which are in Latvian hearts are burning and glowing and doesn't go out

Vārdi ir, kas mūsu dzīslās līdz ar pirmo dienu skan,

Words which are in our veins are sounding with the first day

Jo tu licis reiz šai zemē maniem brāļiem dzimt un man.

Because once you have made my brothers and me to be born in this land

Kungs, mēs ticam, ka tu gribi un ka tas tavs svētais prāts,

Lord, we believe that you and your holy mind wants

Lai arvien šī tauta dzīvo un šīs zemes ražu vāc.

That this nation still lives and collects the harvest in this land

Lai pār lejām šīm un kalniem tikai latvju mēle skan,

That over these downhills and mountains only Latvian language

To man klusi čukst šī zeme, to ik akmens saka man.


Tu tak negribi, lai važās atkal reiz mūs svešnieks kaļ,

You don't want that stranger once again forges us in shackles

Lai mēs, redzējuši sauli, krītam naktī atpakaļ.

That we fall back in the night when we have seen the sun

Tu tak negribi, lai atkal latvju tauta ceļos krīt

You don't want that Latvian nation again falls on the knees

Un lai mūs, kas šodien brīvi, atkal važās saslēdz rīt.

And that us who are free today, would be locked in shackles again tomorrow

Tu tak negribi, lai mēlē svešā tevi lūdzam mēs.

You don't want that we are praying you in foreign language

Tu, kas devis mums šo zemi, tu, kas esi mūsu tēvs!

You who has given us this land, you who is our father!

Vai nav skaistas mūsu dziesmas? Nē, tās nedzied vārga sirds!

Aren't our songs beautiful? No, those aren't sung by weak heart!

Tāpēc mūžam tavai saulei latvjus brīvus jāapmirdz...

That's why your sun will have to shine for freedom...

Tāpēc sargi mūs tais dienās, tornī sargs kad trauksmi sauc,

That's why protect us in those days when guard raises an alarm in tower

Tad, kad, nāves izkapts nopļauts, drauga rokās saļimst draugs -

When friend collapses in friend's hands, reaped by the scythe of death

Tad, kad svina bišu spieti plosīs latviešus un dzels,

When the swarm of lead bees will tear and sting Latvians

Tad, kad baltu krustu birzis neredzamas rokas cels!

When the grove of white crosses will raise invisible arms!

Tad par vēlu būs mūs vienot, ja mūs šodien plosīs naids.

It will be too late to unite us then if the hate will tear us today

Baigs, ak Kungs, tad pāri zemei skanēs latvju tautas vaids.

Dreadful, oh Lord, will sound groan of Latvian nation.

Ak, vai tiešām tikai jūgā brālis brāli pazīt spēs,

Oh, will brother really be able to recognize brother only in bondage

Un vai tikai kalpu gaitām mūžam izredzēti mēs?

And are we really only chosen for the eternal servitude?

Vai šī brīvība tik sapnis mūsu tautas gaitā būs,

Is this freedom will be only the dream in our process of nation

Un pēc gadiem sveši kungi klaušu gaitās izdzīs mūs ?

And does foreign masters after years will cast us out in slavery?

Nē, tik grūti ir tam ticēt! Nē, šī doma sirdī sāp...

No, it's hard to believe it! No, this thought pains in heart...

Tāpēc lūdzam šajā dienā: Kungs, no sava troņa kāp!

That's why we pray in this day: Lord come down from your throne!

Nāc un pārstaigā šo zemi, kamēr tā vēl sauli jauž,

Come and walk over this land while it still feels the sun

Nāc un sakausē mūs klintī, lai neviens mūs nesalauž.

Come and melt us into rock so that no one breaks us.

Nāc un svētī mūs un vieno un mums darba spēku dod,

Come and bless us and unite us and give us the strength of work

Lai reiz liktenīgā stundā negaida mūs briesmīgs sods.

So that in fateful hour a terrible punishment wouldn't wait for us.

Šodien, Kungs, mēs tevi lūdzam: neļauj latvjiem mirt un zust,

Today Lord we pray you: don't let Latvians die and disappear

Liec mums vienmēr tavu sauli brīviem pāri galvām just -

Make us always feel your sun over our heads -

Līdz tiem laikiem, kuŗus šodien nezin vēl no mums neviens,

Until those times which none of us knows yet today

Mūžam brīvs lai latvju ērglis, savus spārnus sizdams, skrien !

Let the Latvian eagle be free forever, swinging its wings, run!

Lai pret nezināmiem laikiem cauri mūžiem ejam mēs,

Give us strength, give us courage, give us unanimity, Father!

Dod mums spēku, dod mums drosmi, dod mums vienprātību, tēvs!

So that we could go against unknown times through lifetimes

Lai pret nezināmiem laikiem cauri mūžiem ejam mēs,

Give us strength, give us courage, give us unanimity, Father!

Dod mums spēku, dod mums drosmi, dod mums vienprātību, tēvs!

So that we could go against unknown times through lifetimes

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