Translation of the song Tikai nesaki nevienam artist Līga Priede


Tikai nesaki nevienam

English translation

Just don't tell anyone

Tikai nesaki nevienam, ko tu dzirdēji no rīta

Just don’t tell anyone what you heard in the morning

Maigā vēja modinošā valodā.

In soft and awakening wind's language

Tikai nesaki nevienam, ko tev pačukstēja zvaigznes

Just don’t tell anyone what stars whispered to you

Šajā naktī, kad tu biji nomodā.

In this night, when you were awake.

Tikai nerādi nevienam, kas tavu sirdi pilda,

Just don't show to anyone what fills your heart,

Nav nevienam jāzina, kas tajā mīt.

Nobody has to know, what lives in it.

Tikai neatklāj nevienam, ko tev novēlējis liktenis,

Just don't reveal it to anyone, what destiny has wished for you,

Tev būs grūtāk viņu piepildīt.

It will be harder for you to fulfill it.

Un esi tā kā rīta zvaigzne debesīs,

And be just like the morning star in the skies,

Kas spoži mirdz, bet paliek nemanāma

Which glows brightly, but remains imperceptible

Un atceries, ka dzīve ir tāds mirklis īss,

And remember that life is such a short moment

Skrien laika upe projām nevaldāma.

The river of time runs away uncontrollably.

Tikai nepazaudē ceļu, kas tevi atved mājās,

Just don't lose the way, which leads you back home,

Kur tu vienmēr būsi mīļi sagaidīts.

Where you always will be welcomed.

Tikai nepazaudē to, kas reiz tevi ir iemīlējis

Just don't lose the one, who has fallen in love with you

Tikai nepazaudē to, kas padarīts

Just don't lose what has been done.

Tikai tā tu vari atkal, no dzīves labu gaidīt,

Only in this way you can expect the good from life again

Tikai tā tu vari būt vēl noderīgs.

Only in this way you can still be useful

Tikai nesaki nevienam, kas ar tevi tagad notiek,

Just don't say to anyone, what is happening with you now,

Tas vienalga citiem liksies nesvarīgs

It will seem unimportant for others anyway.

Un esi tā kā rīta zvaigzne debesīs,

And be just like the morning star in the skies,

Kas spoži mirdz, bet paliek nemanāma

Which glows brightly, but remains imperceptible

Un atceries, ka dzīve ir tāds mirklis īss,

And remember that life is such a short moment

Skrien laika upe projām nevaldāma.

The river of time runs away uncontrollably.

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