Drama. Doisprezece noaptea la Ciocana.
Drama. Midnight at Ciocana.
Ea danseaza. A. E.
She dances, A.E.
Karma plange cand se rupe lama,
Karma cries when the blade breaks,
Fara griji ea e.
She's carefree.
Dar eu stiu ca
But I know that
Ea n-a invatat inca sa planga.
She still hasn't learned to cry.
Poate astazi o sa ninga cu cristale.
Maybe today it'll snow crystals.
Cu cristalele tale. Da, cu cristale.
With your crystals. Yes, with crystals.
Linii. Cate doua paralele
Lines. Two parallel ones
Impartim la doi.
We share between us.
Vineri. Astazi iarasi este vineri
Friday. Today is Friday again
Si se-anunta ploi.
And they're forecasting rain.
Dar eu stiu ca
But I know that
N-o sa ploua - o sa ninga.
It won't rain -- it'll snow.
Da, n-o sa ploua - o sa ninga
Yeah, it won't rain -- it'll snow
Cu cristale peste noi!
Crystals over us!
Lumina lor nu-i despre noi - noi suntem praf din ele.
Their light isn't about us -- we're dust for them.
Ele-au plecat - plecam si noi sa fim parte din ele.
They left -- we're also leaving to be part of them.
Cand te vad am ganduri bizare,
When I see you, I have bizarre thoughts,
Cand te misti tu - totul dispare,
When you move -- everything disappears,
Fara limite, fara hotare
Without limits, without borders
Baila conmigo!
Dance with me!
Vinul este arhitectul noptii
Wine is the architect of the night
Cand suntem in doi.
When we're together.
Vino si lipseste-ma de aer
Come and make me lack air
Iar cu buze moi.
Again with your moist lips.
Fura-mi timpul
Steal my time
Si fa-l numai despre tine.
And make it just about you.
Eu vreau sa fie despre tine!
I want it to be about you!
Nu-mi da timpul inapoi...
Don't turn time back for me . . .
Valuri cat o suta de tsunami
A hundred tsunamis worth of waves
iar cad peste noi.
Fall over us again.
Maluri? Noi nu stim ce inseamna maluri!
Shores? We don't know what shores mean!
Noi dansam in ploi!
We dance in the rain!
Inc-o noapte,
Another night,
Dupa care inca una.
After which, another one.
Poate sa vina si furtuna!
Maybe even the storm will come!
Noi nu vrem timpul inapoi...
We don't want to go back in time . . .
Lumina lor nu-i despre noi - noi suntem praf din ele.
Their light isn't about us -- we're dust for them.
Ele-au plecat - plecam si noi sa fim parte din ele.
They left -- we're also leaving to be part of them.
Cand te vad am ganduri bizare,
When I see you, I have bizarre thoughts,
Cand te misti tu - totul dispare,
When you move -- everything disappears,
Fara limite, fara hotare.
Without limits, without borders
Baila conmigo!
Dance with me!