Mainile sus bambolina,
Hands up, bambolina1,
Asta nu-i un jaf cu crima,
This isn't a robbery-homicide,
Vreau sa-ti fur inima din prima,
I want to steal your heart from the start,
Jur ca nu fug decat cu tine da, da
I swear that I won't run away except with you, yeah, yeah
Are 2 kile in portbagaj guapa cand face twerk bro
She has 2 kilos in her trunk when she twerks, bro
Vrea s-o dea cu golani de rang mare, nu de bloc bro
She wants to hang with the high ranking thugs, not the guys from the block, bro
Jos bandana de pe fata, fug cu ea cu scart ah
Bandana down on her face, I run with her, the floor squeaking
Bandita mi-a rapit mintea, acum o jefuiesc eu
This bandit has kidnapped my mind, now I'm stealing it back
Amandoi sub soare, ne incingem ca si capota ah
Both of us under the sun, we burn like a tarp, ah
Calc-o tare baby fanculo la vida loca ah
Step on it, baby, livin' la vida loca, ah
Cum o dai tu n-o da nici o femeie da-o fato
The way you do it, no other woman does, do it, girl
Cum ti-o dau io n-o sa ti-o dea nici un barbat vreodata
How I do it to you, no other man will ever do to you
Ne pierdem pe drumul etern, facem amor mademoiselle yeah yeah
We get lost on the eternal path, we make love, mademoiselle, yeah yeah
Ne lipim trupurile ude in apa noastra ma inec
We glue our moist bodies together, I drown in our water
Aprinzi tigara numai dupa sex
You light a cigarette only after sex
In general, tu nu fumezi,
In general, you don't smoke
Reactionezi la ce fac, dar te faci ca nu ma vezi
You react to what I do, but you pretend to not see me
Te crezi speciala si bine crezi
You think you're special and you're right
Eu cred ca esti un medic bun
I think that you're a good doctor
Si stii cum sa tratezi un golanas fara trecut cu ochii aia verzi
And you know how to treat a little punk without a past, with those green eyes
In care vezi promisiunea ca-i usor sa pierzi
In which you see the promise that it's easy to lose
Suspecta-n sute de cazuri din Cartierul Francez
Suspicious of hundreds of cases in the French quarter
Curbele tale martori, buzele tale dovezi
Your curves are witnesses, your lips are evidence
Dansam in picioarele goale in piata in ploaie,
We dance barefoot in the square in the rain,
Cum ne facem noi fara nici un drog greu,
How we do it without any hard drugs,
Unghiile tale fato imi mangaie tatuajele,
Your nails, girl, caress my tattoos
O leg de pat cu o curea si o esarfa Hermes,
I tie her to the bed with a belt and a Hermes scarf,
Nu zic detalii in plus ca sunt prea taboo babe,
I won't say any excess details because they're too taboo, babe
Da stiu ca esti gata fato s-o facem la noapte
Yeah, I know that you're ready, girl, to do it tonight
Tu dai din tocuri da-te mare cu ce ai in spate
You click your heels, show off what you've got on your behind,
Ai pielea ca si caramelul, o sa te gust baby
You have skin like caramel, I'll taste you, baby