Translation of the song Poetic si murdar artist Carla's Dreams


Poetic si murdar

English translation

Poetic and dirty

Poetic si murdar.

Poetic and dirty.

Fara tactici complicate, fara scoala de PR.

Without complicated tactics, without PR school.

Rasucesc chistoace la ultimul fum,

I turn over cigarette butts until the last smoke.

Ating cu palma pamantul, el ma va primi oricum.

I touch the earth with my palm, it will take me anyhow.

Nu poti parasi rascrucea, tre' s-alegi un drum,

You can't leave the crossroads, you have to pick a path,

Dar iar si iar te-nvarte viata ca pe un nebun.

But again and again, life spins you around like a lunatic.

Tu nu esti nici macar fum si scrum.

You aren't even smoke and ash.

Esti un nume absolut necunoscut pe un album.

You are a totally unknown name on an album.

Poetic si murdar.

Poetic and dirty.

Noi nu facem complimente, noi doar observam calitati certe.

We don't compliment, we just observe qualities that are certain

Sceptici ca un bici de taran la minuni,

Skeptical like a peasant's whipping of miracles,

Nu pentru ca atei, dar pentru ca minciuni.

Not because atheists, but because miracles.

Doar cartea inchisa isi pastreaza harul,

Only the closed book keeps its grace,

Cartea deschisa des doar ofera darul de acces

The open book often only offers the gift of access

La cunostinte reci. Auzi?

To cold knowledge. You hear me?

Noi nu muream de foame - noi sarbatoream in beci!

We didn't die of hunger--we celebrated in the basement!

Poetic si murdar.

Poetic and dirty.

Cum au disparut casetele si tu ai sa dispari.

How the tapes disappeared and you will disappear

Cand a disparut vinylul tu nici nu erai in plan sa apari,

When the vinyl disappeared, you weren't even intended to appear,

Asa ca daca-i vorba de scandal - sari!

So if it's about a scandal--jump!

Dar nu sari din prostie, ori din gelozie,

But don't jump out of foolishness, or of jealousy,

Ori din ce-o fi mama lui sa fie.

Or out of whatever it would be.

Tu sari pentru principii tari.

You jump for strong principles.

Nu te-nteleg copiii?

The children don't understand you?

Las' c-o s' te-nteleaga atunci cand o sa creasca mari.

Leave them, because they will understand you when they grow up.

Poetici si murdari.

Poetic and dirty.

Ei sunt copii tai si clar iti par atat de bizari.

They are your children and clearly they seem so bizarre to you

Si tu nu intelegi ce ei spun.

And you don't understand what they say.

I-ai educa altfel, dac-ai sti de pe acum.

They'd educate you, if you knew right now.

Poetic si murdar.

Poetic and dirty.

E procesul vietii care-ti da moartea-n dar, dar

It's the process of life which gives you death as a gift, gift

Poti fi sigur - te nasti si mori singur.

You can be sure -- you are born and die alone.

Da? Da.

Yes? Yes.

Poetii murdari dispar. Da? Da.

The dirty poets disappear. Yes? Yes.

Profetii cu har dispar. Da? Da.

The gifted prophets disappear. Yes? Yes

Tu, frate, mai toarn-un pahar. Da, da.

You, brother, pour another glass. Yes? Yes

Poetii murdari dispar. Da. Da.

The dirty poets disappear. Yes? Yes.

Poetii curati raman vii si scriu in zadar

The clean poets stay alive and write in vain

Poezii ce sunt concepute doar pentru tipar.

Poems which are meant only for the press.

Compara acum in minte, auzi? Compara acum in minte

Compare them now in your mind, you hear me? Compare them now in your mind.

Greutatea cartii cu a unui ziar.

The weight of a book with that of a newspaper.

Murdaria e bogatie, trebuie sa fii murdar

Dirtiness is wealth, you have to be dirty

Ca sa treci de sine, sinele tau e imbracat in alb.

To get past yourself, your self is dressed in white.

E imbracat in alb nu pentry ca e curat

It is dressed in white not because it's clean

Ci pentru ca nu e colorat. Inca.

But because it's not colored. Yet.

Murdaria e culoare.

Dirtiness is color.

E pretul de pod.

It's the price of a bridge.

E calea spre zare.

It's the path to the horizon.

E miezul din samanta ce da nastere la iarba ce rasare

It is the kernel of the seed which gives birth to the grass which rises

Sub soarele sub care totul naste si totul moare.

Under the sun, under which everything is born and everything dies.

Asadar, dispar si poetii murdari...

In this way, even the dirty poets disappear . . .

Poetii murdari dispar. Da? Da.

The dirty poets disappear. Yes? Yes.

Profetii cu har dispar. Da? Da.

The gifted prophets disappear. Yes? Yes

Tu, frate, mai toarn-un pahar. Da, da.

You, brother, pour another glass. Yes? Yes

Poetii murdari dispar. Da. Da.

The dirty poets disappear. Yes? Yes.

Lume, lume... Tu nu-mi esti sora!

World, world . . . You aren't my sister!

Stiu prea muti tati, atatia tati ce ti-au dat fii.

I know too many fathers, so many fathers who gave you sons.

Tu te-ai casatorit cu toti furandu-i dintre cei vii.

You married everyone, stealing them from the living.

Deci, esti cea mai proasta nora!

So, you are the stupidest daughter-in-law!

Indragostita esti de piesele minore

You are in love with the minor plays

Nu pentru ca le intelegi ci pentru ca tu esti minora.

Not because you understand them, but because you are minor.

Atatea mii de ani si-aceleasi scoruri.

So many thousands of years and the same scores.

Nu-ti pasa de invingatori, tu trebuie sa-ti pastrezi noroiul.

You don't care about winners, you need to keep the dirt.

Dar eu iti multumesc oricum pentru ca le dai voie

But I thank you anyhow because you give pemission

Si-i murdaresti numai pe cei ce sincer au nevoie.

And you dirty only those who really need it.

Ironic e ca printre ei au fost prea multi indragostiti de tine.

The irony is that among them, there were too many in love with you.

Da? Da.

Yes? Yes.

Poetii murdari dispar. Da? Da.

The dirty poets disappear. Yes? Yes.

Profetii cu har dispar. Da? Da.

The gifted prophets disappear. Yes? Yes

Tu, frate, mai toarn-un pahar. Da, da.

You, brother, pour another glass. Yes? Yes

Poetii murdari dispar. Da. Da.

The dirty poets disappear. Yes? Yes.

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