Translation of the song Ratusca artist Carla's Dreams
You have
8 creme pentru faţă,
Eight creams for the face
5 creme pentru mâini, dar...
Five creams for the hands, but..
E pe terminate crema pentru pleoape
The eyelids cream is running out
Şi tu suspini.. (Aww!)
And you sigh.. (Aww!)
Doar un selfie pe zi (cic-cic!)
Only a selfie a day (cic-cic!)
Este mult prea puţin
Is way too few
Ai atâtea mimici noi
You have so many new face expressions
Pe care noi toţi vrem să le ştim! (wiiii!)
Which we all want to know! (wiiii!)
Dragă, dacă nu erai tu
Dear, if it wasn`t for you
Nu ştiam nici acum
I wouldn`t have known even now
Citate vestite de oameni celebri
Famous quotes from celebrities
Cu care-ţi e plin capu'!
Which your head`s full with!
La modul serios mereu în picioare
Seriously, always on our feet
Citim tot ce tu comentezi
We read what you`re commenting
Ce profunzime atunci când descrii
Such depth when you describe
Dejunul tău tailandez!
Your thai breakfast!
Tu, ru-ru-ru-ru, ai şăpti boyfriendzi în Peru
You, ru-ru-ru-ru, have seven boyfriends in Peru
Şi tăţ îţ spun ai lăv iu
And all of them tell you I love you
Tu, ru-ru-ru-ru, eşti s*x simbol pentru minori
You, ru-ru-ru-ru, are a sex symbol for minors
Pe eu te vreau demult punct RU. (uf-uf-uf)
On I want you dot RU.* (uf-uf-uf)
Tu, ru-ru-ru-ru, ai şăpti-su-di friendzi pi Făisbuc
You, ru-ru-ru-ru, have seven hundred friends on Facebook
Şi le scrii mwuah-mwuah-mwuah-mwuah!
And you write them mwah-mwah-mwah-mwah!*
Tu, răţuşco, tu, (mac-mac) ai poze în Madame Tussauds
You, duckling, you, (quack-quack) have pictures in Madame Tussauds
Cu Johnny Depp, aşa di true!
With Johnny Depp, so true!
Hai spune, spune-ne, dragă,
Say it, come on, tell us, dear,
Hai spune-ne, hai zi!
Come on tell us, say it!
Nu fi timidă, noi ştim că nu eşti
Don`t be shy, we know you aren`t
Şi încă mai ştim că ştii:
And we also know that you know:
94 de diete, trucuri de hiromantii, // se refera la chiromantie
94 diets, chiromancy tricks
Horoscopul pentru fiecare zi. (plus!)
The horoscope for each day. (and!)
10 căi de evitat făcutul de copii
10 ways to avoid making children
10 vrăji de pe la babe pentru-a cuceri
10 spells from old women for seducing
Tu găteşti majoritatea
You cook almost anything
Şi te crezi cel mult una la o sută de mii.
And believe yourself to be one in one hundred thousand.
Îţi ştim pantofii cei vechi şi cei noi
We know your old and new shoes
Toate numele la jucăriile moi
The name of every plush toy
Ursuleţul tău de pluş este invidiat
And your teddy bear is envied
Atât de mult încât ne-am transformat
So much that we became
Şi noi în jucării demult!
Toys ourselves long time ago.
Tu, ru-ru-ru-ru, ai şăpti boyfriendzi în Peru
You, ru-ru-ru-ru, have seven boyfriends in Peru
Şi tăţ îţ spun ai lăv iu
And all of them tell you I love you
Tu, ru-ru-ru-ru, eşti s*x simbol pentru minori
You, ru-ru-ru-ru, are a sex symbol for minors
Pe eu te vreau demult punct RU. (uf-uf-uf)
On I want you dot RU.* (uf-uf-uf)
Tu, ru-ru-ru-ru, ai şăpti-su-di friendzi pi Făisbuc
You, ru-ru-ru-ru, have seven hundred friends on Facebook
Şi le scrii mwuah-mwuah-mwuah-mwuah!
And you write them mwah-mwah-mwah-mwah!*
Tu, răţuşco, tu, (mac-mac) ai poze în Madame Tussauds
You, duckling, you, (quack-quack) have pictures in Madame Tussauds
Cu Johnny Depp, aşa di true!
With Johnny Depp, so true!
Mac-mac-mac, Mac-mac-mac,
Quack-quack-quack, quack-quack-quack,
Maac-mac-mac-mac-mac-mac-mac! x2
Quack-quack-quack-quack-quack-quack-quack! x2
Tu, ru-ru-ru-ru, ai şăpti boyfriendzi în Peru
You, ru-ru-ru-ru, have seven boyfriends in Peru
Şi tăţ îţ spun ai lăv iu
And all of them tell you I love you
Tu, ru-ru-ru-ru, eşti s*x simbol pentru minori
You, ru-ru-ru-ru, are a sex symbol for minors
Pe eu te vreau demult punct RU. (uf-uf-uf)
On I want you dot RU. (uf-uf-uf)
Tu, ru-ru-ru-ru, ai şăpti-su-di friendzi pi Făisbuc
You, ru-ru-ru-ru, have seven hundred friends on Facebook
Şi le scrii mwuah-mwuah-mwuah-mwuah
And you write them mwah-mwah-mwah-mwah!
Tu, răţuşco, tu, (mac-mac) ai poze în Madame Tussauds
You, duckling, you, (quack-quack) have pictures in Madame Tussauds
Cu Johnny Depp, aşa di true!
With Johnny Depp, so true!