Translation of the song Tequila artist Carla's Dreams
Tocuri de 18 plus
Heels of 18 plus
Niciodata bauturi gratis
Never free drinks
Glam, glam, fum
Glam, glam, smoke
Glam, glam, fum
Glam, glam, smoke
Again! (Tequila)
24 fara somn
24 sleepless
Si privirea ta de jos in sus
And your look from bottom-up
Piesa unica, sold out
Unique piece, sold out
Cu tine minus cu minus nu fac plus.
With you minus with minus don't make plus
Poate ca pentru ca nu dansezi
Maybe because you don't dance
Dar eu da
But i do
Poate ca pentru ca nu trisezi
Maybe because you don't cheat
Dar eu da
But i do
Poate ca pentru ca nu te-am mai vazut niciodata
Maybe 'cause i've never seen you before
Nu te-am mai vazut niciodata
I've never seen you
Si vin sa-ti spun.
And i come to say to you ...
Tu stii ca pielea ta fina si buzele moi
You know, that your soft skin and soft lips
Ma fac sa am filme cu tine, sa am filme cu noi
Make me to have films with you, to have films with us
Da, pielea ta fina si buzele moi
Yeah, your soft skin and soft lips
Ma fac sa am filme cu tine, sa am filme cu noi.
Make me to have films with you, to have films with us
Doar tu te topesti la minus zece shot-uri de tequila
Only you melt down at minus ten tequilla shots
Tequila transmite buze pe buze, ultima pastila
Tequilla sends lips to lips, the last pill
Ultima pastila, ultima pastila.
The last pill, the last pill.
Tu te topesti la minus zece shot-uri de tequilaaa
You melt down at minus ten tequilla shots
Shot-uri de tequilaaa, shot-uri de tequilaaa
Tequilla shoots, tequilla shots
Tequila transmite buze pe buze, ultima pastila
Tequilla sends lips to lips, the last pill
Ultima pastila, ultima pastila.
The last pill, the last pill.
Shot-uri de tequilaaa, shot-uri de tequilaaa.
Shots of tequilaaa, shots of tequilaaa
Zodiacal vorbind, noi nu ar trebui sa fim in doi
Zodiacal speaking, we shouldn't be in two
Eu sunt ploaia pe Venus
I'm the rain on Venus
Tu esti Venus in ploi.
You are venus in rain
Dar cu fiece clipa
But with each moment
Ma conving tot mai mult ca
I convince me even more
Tu esti altfel de fata si vreau sa inteleg de ce
You're other type of girl and i want to understand why!?
De ce.
Poate ca pentru ca nu dansezi
Maybe because you don't dance
Dar eu da
But i do
Poate ca pentru ca nu trisezi
Maybe because you don't cheat
Dar eu da
But i do
Poate ca pentru ca nu te-am mai vazut niciodata
Maybe 'cause i've never seen you before
Nu te-am mai vazut niciodata
I've never seen you
Si vin sa-ti spun.
And i come to say to you ...
Tu stii ca pielea ta fina si buzele moi
You know, that your soft skin and soft lips
Ma fac sa am filme cu tine, sa am filme cu noi
Make me to have films with you, to have films with us
Da, pielea ta fina si buzele moi
Yeah, your soft skin and soft lips
Ma fac sa am filme cu tine, sa am filme cu noi.
Make me to have films with you, to have films with us
Doar tu te topesti la minus zece shot-uri de tequilaaa
Only you melt down at minus ten tequilla shots
Tequila transmite buze pe buze, ultima pastila
Tequilla sends lips to lips, the last pill
Ultima pastila, ultima pastila.
The last pill, the last pill.
Tu te topesti la minus zece shot-uri de tequilaaa
You melt down at minus ten tequilla shots
Shot-uri de tequila, shot-uri de tequilaaa
Tequilla shoots, tequilla shots
Tequila transmite buze pe buze, ultima pastila
Tequilla sends lips to lips, the last pill
Ultima pastila, ultima pastila.
The last pill, the last pill.
Shot-uri de tequila, shot-uri de tequilaaa.
Shots of tequilaaa, shots of tequilaaa