Translation of the song لیلی و مجنون artist Morteza Pashaei
لیلی و مجنون
Leyli and Majnoon
غبار غم گرفتە شیشە ی دلم
My heart has been feeling sad
شکاستن عادت همیشە ی دلم
Getting broken is what it always does
دوبارە از کنار گریە رد شدم
I was near crying again
بە جای تو دوبارە با خودم بدم
I'm punishing myself instead of you
کنارمی غمامو کم نمیکنی
You are just beside me, but your present doesn't help me feel better
یە لحظە هم نوازشم نمیکنی
You don't caress me even for a moment
یە عمرە بی دلیل ازم تو دلخوری
You don't invite me to your solitude
یە عمرە من کنار تو قدم نمیزنم
You've been upset to me for no reason for my whole life
یە عمرە میشکنم یە لحظە دم نمیزنم
I've not walked along you in my whole life
یە عمرە حسرتم یە کم محبتە
I've been broken and not complaint about it my whole life
یە عمرە بودنت کنار من یە عادتە
A little kindness is what I've been asking for my whole life
باید بشە دوبارە عاشقم شی
You being beside me is like a habit for me
باید بشە مث گزشتە ها شی
It has to happen that you fall in love with me again
باید بتونم و دووم بیارم
It has to happen that you become just like the past
دوست دارم کە چارە ای ندارم
I have to be able and survive
یە روز تموم خونە غرق خندە بود
I love you and I have no choice
نمیشە دلخوشیم تموم شە خیلی زود
Once the house was full of joy and laughter
دلم میخواد نگام کنی یە جور خاص
My happiness can not end too soon
همونجوری کە اون روزا دلم میخواست
I want you to look at me in a special way
دلم میخواد دوبارە باورم کنی
Just the way I loved back in those days
بفهمی معنی نفس کشیدنی
I want you to believe me again
دلم میخواد ببینی من کنارتم
To know that you are the meaning (the reason) of breathing
دلم میخواد بفهمی من کنارتم
I want you to see I'm just beside you
یە عمرە من کنار تو قدم نمیزنم
I want you to know that I'm getting restless because of you
یە عمرە میشکنم یە لحظە دم نمیزنم
I've not walked along you in my whole life
یە عمرە حسرتم یە کم محبتە
I've been broken and not complaint about it my whole life
یە عمرە بودنت کنار من یە عادتە
A little kindness is what I've been asking for my whole life
باید بشە دوبارە عاشقم شی
You being beside me is like a habit for me
باید بشە مث گزشتە ها شی
It has to happen that you fall in love with me again
باید بتونم و دووم بیارم
It has to happen that you become just like the past
دوست دارم کە چارە ای ندارم
I have to be able and survive