Translation of the song یکی بود یکی نبود artist Morteza Pashaei
یکی بود یکی نبود
Once upon a time
یکی بود که یه روزی من دوست داشت حالا رفته
There was someone that one day loved me ...
یکی نبو بدونه بی خبر اون کجا رفته
Now she is gone
همه ی قصه این بود,چقدر اسون چقدر زود
There was nobody who knew where she has gone without notice
یکی قلبت رو برده, سرمون چی اورده
All of the story was this: How easily, How simply
از دست تو دلگیرم
Someone has taken your heart
از قصه ی تو سیرم
What has he done to us
دیوونه شدم
I am hurt and upset because of you
بی خونه شدم
I am fed up with your story
از دست تو می میرم
I became insane
این قصه ی ما دو تاست
I became homeless
می بینی چقدر کوتاست
I am dying because of you
تقصیر تو اشک تو چشام
This is the story of two of us
دیوونه ی بی احساس
Look how short it is
یکی بود که از امروز شده عکس تو اتاقم
There was someone that after today became just a picture in my room
یکی نبود بدونه نمی یاد دیگه سراقم
There was not anyone to know that she will not look for me anymore
چقدر این قصه تلخه به خدا اشتباه
How bitter is this story
تو چی کار کردی با این دلی که بی گناهه
I swear to God, that it is a mistake