Translation of the song Aşkınla Her Şey Oldum artist Tuna Kiremitçi


Aşkınla Her Şey Oldum

English translation

I've become everything with your love

Benim olmayan bir düşün içindeyim

I am in a dream which is not mine

Sen neredesin, sonu nerede?

Where are you, and where will it end?

Diyar diyar ruhumu gezmekteyim

I wander my soul from one land to another land

Kâh akıllı, kâh divane

Both within sanity, and as a crazy

Leyla oldum, Mecnun oldum

I've become Leyla, I've become Mecnun

İnsanlığın öldüğünü duydum

I've heard that humanity has died

Dünyadaki zehre inat

Against the poison in the world

Kendime kumdan kaleler kurdum

I've built sandcastles for myself

Baktığım her şeyde seni buldum

I've found everything whatever I look at

Her şeyde seni buldum

I've found everything for you

Aşkınla her şey oldum

I've become everything with your love

Yanılmaya her zaman meyilliyim

I always tend to be wrong

Sevinsem de üzülsem de

Whether I'm merry, or upset

Yakınındayım sanki sevdamızın

I suppose that I'm close to our love

Sanki dağlar var önümde

As if there are mountains in front of me.

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