Translation of the song Birden Geldin Aklıma artist Tuna Kiremitçi


Birden Geldin Aklıma

English translation

Suddenly You Came Into My Mind

Sen yağmuru çok seven küçücük şey,

You, the little one who loves rain

Ben kendine geç kalan bir kadın.

Me, a woman who's late to herself

Beni sevmesen de, görmesen de hayat sürerdi yine

Life would going on, even if you hadn't love me, seen me

Ama kendimi sevmezdim şimdiki kadar

But i wouldn't love myself as much as now

Beni seçmesen de, yok desen de güneş doğardı yine

Fire would burn, even if you hadn't chosen me, had said 'no'

Ama gülmeyi bilmezdim şimdiki kadar

But i wouldn't laugh as much as now

Birden geldin aklıma yakıverdin ışıkları

Suddenly you came into my mind, you turned on the lights

Hayret ettim kalbime bazen mutluluktan

Sometimes i wonder that how my heart is happy like that?

Sen kalbime denk gelen küçücük şey,

You, the little one who is equals all my heart

Ben kendini aşk sanan bir adam.

Me, a man who suppose that he is a love man

Beni sevmesen de, görmesen de hayat sürerdi yine

Life would going on, even if you hadn't love me, seen me

Ama kendimi sevmezdim şimdiki kadar

But i wouldn't love myself as much as now

Beni seçmesen de, yok desen de güneş doğardı yine

The sun would risen, even if you hadn't chosen me, had said 'no'

Ama gülmeyi bilmezdim şimdiki kadar

But i wouldn't laugh as much as now

Birden geldin aklıma yakıverdin ışıkları

Suddenly you came into my mind, you turned on the lights

Hayret ettim kalbime bazen mutluluktan.

Sometimes i wonder that how my heart is happy like that?

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