Translation of the song Bahçelere Daldık artist Redd


Bahçelere Daldık

English translation

We Barged Into The Gardens

Dünyayı yağlamak lazım

We need to grease the world's hinges

Paslandı düzgün dönmüyor

It is too rusty to spin properly

Aya gidip bakmak lazım

We need to go to the Moon and look from there

Buradan bir şey görünmüyor

We can't see anything here

Dersler aldık yine saldık

We learned our lessons, then let go again

Bile bile akılsız kaldık

We became foolish on purpose

Sabunla bu kirler çıkar sandık

We thought we could wash this dirt off with soap

Sığ denizlere balıklama daldık

We dived head first into shallow seas

İnsan gerceği ararken biz rüyalarda sevişirken

As the human looked for the truth, as we made love in dreams,

Herkes kendine sararken biz bahçelere daldık

As everyone messed around with themselves, we barged into the gardens.

İnsan güzeli incitirken biz eski zamanda yaşarken

As the human hurt what is beautiful, as we lived in an old era,

Herkes maskesini boyarken biz çimlere uzandık

As everyone painted their masks, we laid on the grass.

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