Translation of the song Sana mi herida artist David Bisbal
Sana mi herida
Heal My Wound
Hoy comienza otro abril
Today another April begins
y la llevo en mi suspirar
And I carry her in my sigh
siento en cada latir
I feel in every heart beat
que nunca la he dejado de amar
That I have never stopped loving her
Amigo sana mi herida
Friend, heal my wound
trae la aquí a mi lado
Bring her here to my side
sana mi herida
Heal my wound
te juro que la amo
I swear I love her
Se que no eres feliz
I know you're not happy
pon en orden tu vida
Put your life in order
ve con ella este día
Go with her on this day
confiesale tu sentir
Confess your feelings to her
Amigo sana tu herida
Friend, heal your wound
vuelve a su lado
Return to her side
sana tu herida
Heal your wound
deja ya de sufrir
Stop suffering already
no llores mas
Do not cry anymore
y buscala
And look for her
Convince yourself
explicale hoy
Explain to her today
cual fue tu error
What was your mistake
y lucha por ese amor
And fight for that love
que aun vive en tus latidos
That still lives in your heart beats
Sana mi herida
Heal my wound
vuelve a su lado
Return to her side
Rescue me
Understand me
no sufras mas
Do not suffer anymore
y buscala hoy
And look for her today
que te duele el corazón
That your heart hurts
sana tu herida
Heal your wound
sana tu herida
Heal your wound
hoy comienza otro abril
Today another April begins
ve con ella y seras feliz
Go with her and you will be happy