Translation of the song Das Paradies artist Bosse
Das Paradies
[Strophe 1]
[1st verse]
Es gab dort genug für alle und alle war'n sich genug
There was enough for everyone and everyone was satisfied with themselves
Keine Depression und kein Selbstbetrug
No depression and no self-deception
Niemand musste dort im Mittelmeer ersaufen
Nobody had to drown there in the Mediterranean Sea
Niemand schlief im Winter auf Asphalt
Nobody was sleeping on the pavement in winter
Ich sah nicht einen Patriarchen, der Scheiß war vorbei
I did not see one patriarch, the bullshit was over
Kein Bodyshaming, noch Hetze und Gewalt
No bodyshaming, no baiting and violence
Keine Schubladen, alle Chancen waren gleich
No boxes1, all chances were equal
Die Leute dort war'n glücklich und nice
The people were happy there and nice
[Pre-Refrain 1]
[1st Pre-Chorus]
Am Eingangstor stand „Peace“
At the entrance, it said Peace
Komm rein und genieß
Come in and enjoy
Die Luft dort war klar
The air there was clear
Der Himmel türkis
The sky (was) turquoise
[Refrain 1]
[1st Chorus]
Das war das Paradies, Paradies, Paradies
It was paradise, paradise paradise
Nur in meinem Traum
Only in my dreams
Ich war im Paradies, Paradies, Paradies
I was in paradise, paradise, paradise
Bitte weck mich nicht auf
Please don't wake me up
Da war's ideal
It was perfect there
Weil einfach niemand verloren, kaputt oder einsam war
Simply because nobody was lost, broken or lonely
Da war's genial
It was amazing there
Weil einfach niemand ein Arschloch war
Simply because nobody acted like an asshole there
[Strophe 2]
[2nd verse]
Ich sah LGBTQs, Rabbi und Imam
I saw LGBTQs, rabbi and iman,
Priester und Freaks zusammen Grillen auf dem Rasen
preasts and freaks having a barbecue on the lawn together
Kein Arm, kein Reich, Mann Frau geldgleich
No poor, no rich, men women equal in terms of money
Auf dem Planet, der einsam um die Sonne kreist
On the planet circling lonely around the sun
Niemand war fertig, da war null Frust
Nobody was done, there was no frustration
Keine aufgestaute Wut, die jemand abbekommen muss
No built-up anger that was targeted at someone
Dort zählte nicht, wo man herkam oder wie man aussah
There it didn't matter where you came from or what you looked like
Sondern was man tat
But what things you did
[Pre-Refrain 2]
[1st Pre-Chorus]
Am Eingangstor stand „Peace“
At the entrance, it said Peace
Komm rein und genieß
Come in and enjoy
Und lieb, wen du liebst
And love who you love
[Refrain 1]
[1st Chorus]
Das war das Paradies, Paradies, Paradies
It was paradise, paradise paradise
Nur in meinem Traum
Only in my dreams
Ich war im Paradies, Paradies, Paradies
I was in paradise, paradise, paradise
Bitte weck mich nicht auf
Please don't wake me up
Da war's ideal
It was perfect there
Weil einfach niemand verloren, kaputt oder einsam war
Simply because nobody was lost, broken or lonely
Da war's genial
It was amazing there
Weil einfach niemand ein Arschloch war
Simply because nobody acted like an asshole there
[Refrain 1]
[1st Chorus]
Das war das Paradies, Paradies, Paradies
It was paradise there, paradise paradise
Nur in meinem Traum
Only in my dreams
Ich war im Paradies, Paradies, Paradies
I was in paradise, paradise, paradise
Bitte weck mich nicht auf
Please don't wake me up
Da war's ideal
It was perfect there
Weil einfach niemand verloren, kaputt oder einsam war
Simply because nobody was lost, broken or lonely
Da war's genial
It was amazing there
Weil einfach niemand ein Arschloch war
Simply because nobody acted like an asshole there
Und du warst zurück bei mir
And you were back with me
Und alles war vergeben
And everything had been forgiven
Wir mussten vor Freude heulen
We had to cry out of joy
Das Licht war wie Schweben
The light was like floating
[Refrain 2]
[2nd Chorus]
Da war's ideal
It was perfect there
Weil einfach niemand verloren, kaputt oder einsam war
Simply because nobody was lost, broken or lonely
Da war's genial
It was amazing there
Weil einfach niemand ein Arschloch war
Simply because nobody acted like an asshole there
Das war das Paradies, Paradies, Paradies
It was paradise, paradise paradise
Ich war im Paradies, Paradies, Paradies
I was in paradise, paradise, paradise
Da war's ideal
It was perfect there
Weil einfach niemand verloren, kaputt oder einsam war
Simply because nobody was lost, broken or lonely
Da war's genial
It was amazing there
Weil einfach niemand ein Arschloch war
Simply because nobody acted like an asshole there