Translation of the song Як ішов я вчора artist Khrystyna Soloviy
Як ішов я вчора
As I Was Walking Yesterday
Як ішов я вчора ввечір світив місяць височко,
As I was walking yesterday evening the moon was shining high.
Мила в вікно позирала чи мо’ дийшов далечко.
My sweetheart was watching through the window whether I moved far away.
Одійшов я пару кроків, вона за мною кричала:
I walked a couple of steps and she cried behind me
– Ой вернися, цвітку милий, чим я тя прогнівала.
Oh, come back my dear blossom. How have I provoked your wrath?
Та й за нашим, віриш, тором є зелені, як ловець,
Will you believe, behind our field boundary there's a lot of greenery.
Ходив до нас на зальоти ни паробок, ни вдовець.
Someone was courting me there, neither single, nor a widower.
Мамцю моя премилена, я за нього не піду,
Mother, my dear, I won't marry him.
А ни йому ручки не дам, хоч ся никда не видам.
I won't give him my hand even if I never get married.
Як ішов я вчора ввечір світив місяць височко,
As I was walking yesterday evening the moon was shining high.
Мила в вікно позирала чи мо’ дийшов далечко
My sweetheart was watching through the window whether I moved far away.