Translation of the song 風靈物語 artist Jer Lau

Chinese (Cantonese)


English translation

Tale of the Wind Spirit

The void

千絲 百結 十念 突然 掏空 

A thousand threads, a hundred fetters, ten memories, all give way to the void

千章 百節 十字 沒能力 素描這 幻相 

A thousand chapters, a hundred stanzas, ten words, yet I could not describe this illusion

時間 空間 已空

As time and space become one with the void

The wind

思想 意志 慾望 默言 吹送 

Silently delivering my thoughts, my will, my desires

聲音 色彩 結構 下意識 依循 靈風 

The sounds, colours and structures subconsciously trail after the spirited wind

飄渺 聚散 半空

Drifting, gathering and dispersing in mid-air

然後 淚光 一滅 

Then the shimmery tears dissipate

我靈魂 忽爾 醒覺出 笑容 

And my soul suddenly awakens with a smile

恍似 穿過 一個夢 

As if travelling through a dream

夢破醒 也是夢 

I emerge from one dream into another

然後 夜空 熄滅 

Then the night sky fades

看繁星 一點 一點 殞落簷篷 

I look to the stars, as they plummet one by one towards the canopy

細聽 風鈴內 

I listen closely to the wind chimes

響徹 記憶 未朦

Resounding within are memories unblurred


千絲 百結 十念 換回 時空 

A thousand threads, a hundred fetters, ten memories, all exchanged for that time and space

千章 百節 十字 用餘力 記錄那 

A thousand chapters, a hundred stanzas, ten words; I muster up my remaining strength to record

深淵內 我心被 抱擁

The moment my heart was embraced in the abyss


Gone with the wind

思想 意志 慾望 殘留 心痛 

A heartache lingers on in my thoughts, my will, my desires

聲音 色彩 結構 下意識 追尋 時鐘 

The sounds, colours and structures subconsciously track down the clock

捲進 下個夢

And become drawn into the next dream

然後 淚光 一滅 

Then the shimmery tears dissipate

我靈魂 忽爾 醒覺出 笑容 

And my soul suddenly awakens with a smile

恍似 穿過 一個夢

As if travelling through a dream

夢破醒 也是夢

I emerge from one dream into another

然後 夜空 熄滅 

Then the night sky fades

看繁星 一點 一點 變幻無窮 

I look to the stars, as each of them transform without end

像愛 但也 像痛 

’Tis like love, but also pain

掠過 茫茫 宇宙 

I race through the boundless universe

置身 虛空 總撲 一空

Ending up in the void at last with nothing in grasp

生生 世世 終於那 海闊 天空 

Countless lives have met their fate under the same sky

天崩 地裂 漆黑內 默禱 觀照 仰首 迴光 

In the dark I see myself praying, observing, looking up towards the final moments as the world falls apart

未竟 之志 陪我 告終

My unfulfilled ambitions lay me to rest

如被 大海 淹滅 

As if consumed by the sea

我靈魂 忽爾 掙扎出 笑容 

My soul suddenly struggles with a smile

一個 穿過 一個夢 

Travelling alone through a dream

夢破醒 也都是 場夢 

I rouse from it, only to find myself in another dream

然後 望穿 生滅 

And so I see through life and death

每陣風 給我 溫暖 還是凍 

Shall each gust of wind offer me warmth, or coldness?

讓知覺 似痛 也沒痛 

Let my senses feel both pain and the lack of it

細聽 風鈴內 

And listen closely to the wind chimes

失散 轉生 重逢

One may hear within the sounds of separation, reincarnation and reunion

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