Translation of the song Trimis-a împăratul carte artist Grigore Leșe


Trimis-a împăratul carte

English translation

The king has sent a letter

Trimăs-a-mpăratu'1 carte2,

The king has sent a book (letter)

Trimăs-a-mpăratu' carte

The king has sent a letter

La fetile di pă sate3

To the girls from (all) the villages

Să nu-și facă rochii-n flori,

Not to make themselfs dresses with flowers

Să nu-și facă rochii-n flori,

Not to make themselfs dresses with flowers

Că nu le rămân feciori,

Because no boys will be left for them

Să-și facă rochii mierâie4,

Let them make themselfs blue dresses

Să-și facă rochii mierâie,

Let them make themselfs blue dresses

C-o murit feciori o mie.

Because boys have died a thousand

Împărate, împărate,

You king, you king

Împărate, împărate,

You king, you king

Pune pace, nu te bate;

Make peace, don't fight

Răgutele-s tinerăle,

The recruited girls are young

Răgutele-s tinerăle,

The recruited girls are young

N-o ști rândul la oțăle5,

They won't know to fight with steel (weapons)

La oțăle, la focuri,

With steel weapons and with fires

Dar o ști rândul la pluguri.

But they will know how to work with the ploughs

La oțăle, la focuri,

With steel weapons and with fires

Da o ști rândul la pluguri.

But they will know how to work with the ploughs

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