Translation of the song キラ artist Death Note: The Musical
死神たちは毎日 博打か昼寝さ
For us Shinigami every day is the same were either gambling or sleeping.
刺激も変化もなくて 死ぬほど退屈
With no change and for nothing to stimulate us, The boredom could just kill me
So every once and a while i'll fly down to watch them
There all good from nothing I have nothing to look forward to
ところが キラ キラ なんて奴だ
Except for Kira Kira what a piece of work
まるで救世主 キラ その正体はただのガキだ
Like a savior Kira but he's just a little shit
Us Shinigami are just so lazy, We have no ambitions nor do we dream
存在の意味も知らねぇ とにかくつまらねぇ
They don't even know why they exist, Their such a bore
だから見ものだぜ 人間たちが
That's why I watch you lowly humans
お前の裁きに 右往左往
Going left and right with your judgments
みんなで キラ キラ 大騒ぎだ
All together now Kira Kira It's an uproar
神か悪魔か キラ その正体は お前なのにな
Is he god? Or maybe Satan? Rather it's just simply you.
You believe you've changed the world?
Well then listen here you little shit the only difference you've made is you name,
そうだろ キラ キラ 救世主はお前じゃない キラ キラ 人間たちが作り上げた
That's right Kira Kira this world's savior sure as hell isn't you Kira Kira merely invented by humanity