Translation of the song Gelme Gelme artist Berksan


Gelme Gelme

English translation

Don't Come, Don't

Rüzgari sirtina bi̇nmi̇ş bi̇r tüy gi̇bi̇

Like a feather on the wind

Ne yönüm ne yolum belli̇

Neither my direction is clear, nor my way

Kayboluşum yokluğun

Me getting lost, your absence

Çaresi̇z düşen bi̇r damla yağmur gi̇bi̇

Like a rain drop falling without its will

Kurumaya yeni̇k yüreğİm

My heart is compelled to dry out

Tükeni̇şİm yokluğun

Me coming to an end, your absence

Hüznün sakli bakamam

Your pain is hidden, I cannot look,

Ayda gözleri̇me

In the moon and in my eyes

Bu dert beni̇ öldürse de

Even if this pain is killing me

Sahte bi̇r gülüş kaldi

There remained a fake smile

O candan öptüğün yerde

At the point you kissed by heart

Adin gi̇bi̇ oda yasakli

Like your name, it's banned, too

Gelme gelme sen yi̇ne gi̇dersi̇n

Don't come, dont't, you'll leave again

Gülme gülme sen yi̇ne gözyaşI ekersi̇n

Don't laugh, don't, you will plant tears again

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