Translation of the song Ninsoare de adio artist Adrian Păunescu
Ninsoare de adio
Farewell Snowfall
1. Aseara cand ne desparteam, aseara
1. Last night, when we were breaking up, last night
Tot mai era un pic de primavara
There was still a little bit of Spring left
Si-acum arunca ochii pe fereastra
Now, look out the window
A viscolit pe despartirea noastra
It snowed all over our break-up
Distanta s-a-nmultit cu alb de moarte
The distance multiplied with deathly white
Departe s-a facut foarte departe
Far has become very far
Si ninge intre noi ninsoare mare
And between us it's snowing a heavy snow
Ninsoare de sfarsit de calendare
An end-of-calendar snow
R: Si ochii nu mai au ce sa mai vada
R: And the eyes don't have anything left to see
Doar urme de jivine prin zapada
Only wild beasts' footprints in the snow
De ocna-i viscolul ce-mi arde rana
Like a prison's is the blizzard that burns my wound
Si-ascult de sub zapezi siciliana
And I'm listening under the snow to the siciliana
2. Si vor veni dezastre de tot felul
2. And all kinds of disasters will come
Precum m-anunta trist violoncelul
My sad cello announces me
Si harpa, si pianul ma omoara
Both the harp, and the piano are killing me
Reverberandu-mi fulgii de afara
Reverberating the snowflakes from outside to me
Mai latra undeva de frig un caine
A dog is barking somewhere from the cold
Dar tu ce faci in ziua fara maine
But what are you doing in the day with no tomorrow?
De fapt, de ce te-ntreb, cand eu din mine
Actually, why am I even asking you, when I
Mi-am interzis sa stiu de-i rau sau bine
Forbid myself from knowing whether it's bad or good
3. Si a venit ninsoarea alb-albastru
3. And the blue-white snow came
Sa parafeze totul cu dezastru
To seal everything with disaster
Sa iasa lupii, agentii foamei sure
For the wolves, agents of grey hunger
Din fiecare palcuri de padure
To come out from every spot of forest
Sa vina prin orase mari dihanii
For monstrosities to come to the big cities
Si caii aburind sa traga sanii
And for the steaming horses to pull sleds
Si posta, in aceste vremuri stranii
And for the mail, in these strange times,
Sa-ntarzie cu lunile si anii
To be late by months and years
R: Sa vezi si tu ce strigat tragic este
R: For you to see what a tragic shout it is
Sa nu mai dai de tine nici o veste
Not being able to hear any word of you
Pe ochi am doar cand ninge praf de raza
On my eyes I only have sunshine dust when it snows
Si drumurile noastre se blocheaza
And our paths are blocking off
Nici nu mai stiu de-i noapte sau e ziua
And I don't even know if it's day or night
E doar ninsoarea noastra de adio
Just our farewell snowfall.