Translation of the song Ruga pentru neam artist Adrian Păunescu


Ruga pentru neam

English translation

Prayer For The Nation

Doamne, Dumnezeul nostru,

Lord, our God,

Da-ne noua iarasi rostul,

Give us the sense again,

Da-ne liniste si mila,

Give us peace and mercy,

Duh în trupul de argila.

Spirit in the clay body.

Da-ne tara iar în tara,

Give us a country again into the country,

Da-ne dreptul sa ne doara,

Give us the right to be hurt,

Da-ne mama, da-ne tata,

Give us mother, give us father,

Ca ni s-au furat odata.

That they were stolen someday.

Da-ne frate, da-ne sora,

Give us brother, give us sister,

Ce din lanturi Te implora

Who from chains they implore You,

Si, într-o blîndete noua,

And with a new gentleness,

Viata noastra da-ne-o noua.

Give us our life!

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