Translation of the song ANSWER artist Detective Conan (OST)



English translation


先を行く歪んだシルエット 手を伸ばす程に遠のいて

The silhouette ahead has warped to the extent that it recedes as soon as my hand reaches out to it

通り雨が残したサイレンス 息をする度 冷えた心臓を掻き乱す

In the silence left behind by the shower, my chilled heart is disturbed every time I breathe

0になったコントラスト 消え去ってもわからない

The contrast that became zero remains incomprehensible even as it vanished

目に映るのは冷え切った肌と 無数のハレーション

Reflected in my eyes are completely chilled skins and innumerable halations


Before I can exceed even the limits of what I pictured about the world that exceeded my imagination

超えたその先に どうしようも無いくらい期待しているんだ

I have to face expectations that have grown to the point of hopelessness


Yes, no matter how much I scream about the dreams I constantly depicted and the feelings I lost


They can never reach out to anybody

残像の向こうで朦朧とそびえ立った摩天楼 傷だらけになった

The hazy, towering skyscraper opposite of the afterimage is riddled with scars

その足でGo a head

But I still go ahead from its foot

あの景色まであとわずかなんて 行ったり来たり繰り返しのJust a game

It is only but a short way until that scene, yet one repeatedly goes back and forth like it's just a game

僅かに瞬く眼の先の絶体絶命 まで吹き飛ばすBlack Blast Lady?

Facing a desperate situation with no escape before one's barely blinking eyes, can the Black Blast Lady still blow away?

知らない顔してどうせなんて汚れた言葉 並べたってさあ共鳴しよう

Treat each other as strangers, since there's only vile words lining up anyway; come, let's resonate


And go bang bang bang

目を凝らしてまだ足りなくて 五感じゃもう解らない

Straining my eyes is still not enough; I can no longer comprehend with my five senses


And I agonize over the very moment when my feeble complaints are replaced

空になった心の奥で 集めた欠片を 重ねて創った涙も

So too, are my tears, which are continuously created with the assembled fragments from my hollowed-out inner heart


Yes, no matter how much I scream about the proof regarding that voice I lost

どれだけ叫んでも 誰にも届かなくて

They can never reach out to anybody

引っ掻いて噛み付いて切り裂いて くたびれた感情も 傷をなぞれば

If the wounds of my worn out feelings, caused by scratches, bites and cuts, are reproduced


They will be the answer

見えなくても その声のする方へ 躊躇っても 道は出来てるんだよ

Even if one cannot see, one can still follow the direction of that voice; even if one is hesitating, one can still make a way

僕の手を取って まだ歩けるだろう 愛すべき者に懸けた命を

Take my hand, as you can still walk, right? I am willing to put up my life for my dearest


Yes, no matter how much I scream about the proof regarding that voice I lost

どれだけ叫んでも 誰にも届かなくて

They can never reach out to anybody

引っ掻いて噛み付いて切り裂いて くたびれた感情も 傷をなぞれば

If the wounds of my worn out feelings, caused by scratches, bites and cuts, are reproduced



証明したいんだ 切り拓いた空へ放つ衝動 背負った期待は

I want to prove it, about the impulse released by cutting through the sky


The expectations I bear are already weighing on me mercilessly

後悔したって戻れない もうこんな壊れそうな痛みも

There is no turning back even if I have regrets; by now even such a seemingly debilitating pain

全て力に変えてしまうんだろう その答えはずっとこの手にあったんだ

Can be transformed completely into strength; the answer was always in these hands

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