Translation of the song Butterfly Core (full) artist Detective Conan (OST)
Butterfly Core (full)
Butterfly Core
The heartbeat of the butterfly fluttering in the shadows tears apart the sea of silence
Our overlapping voices cast away the darkness!
張り付いた汗を拭って 逃げ回るライトを蹴った
Wiping my clinging sweat As I stop the light from getting away
As if to cover up the sadness from my wounds just for today
焦るほどに遠くなって 理由(わけ)もなく意味を探して
Rushing doesn't bring me any closer In my pointless search for answers
幼さの裏に隠した ゆずりたくない感情に
To the feelings I couldn't give up Hidden behind this childish façade...
気づいたなら 見失わないように
They made me realize That I don't want to lose sight of you
I want to believe that there's someone I can protect!
The heartbeat of the butterfly fluttering in the shadows tore apart the sea of silence
The fabrications I told you couldn't all have been lies, right?
迷うたび捨てた答えもきっと 選ぶ日はまた来るから
Someday I'll have another chance To choose the answer I lost each time I hesitated
この心は誰よりも熱く燃やし続けよう 消えないように
So I want my heart to burn brighter than any other So I won't fade away!
晴れの日を酷く嫌って 雨の日の空を憎んだ
I extremely hate the sunny days But I also detest the rainy sky
If I erase the memories that go against the foreshore
見えないものを疑えば 正しさも見えなくなって
If I doubt the unseen things Then I won't be able to see the truth
許されただけと嘆いた 見切れないままの日々も
Lamenting about forgiveness The days I spent is only partly seen
守っていく 誓う言葉はいらない
I will protect you Those words of vow is unneeded
Just throw away the days of blaming others!
With these silver wings, I'll live inside this storm
Cause there is no way I can end everything out from everyone's gaze
ボロボロになった代償なんて 舌を出してくれてやる
Compensation of become worn-out? I stick out my tongue
この心で誰よりも高く飛んでみせるから その目で見ろ
With this heart I can fly higher than anyone else Just you see with your eyes!
The heartbeat of the butterfly fluttering in the shadows tears apart the sea of silence
The afterglow at the moment we overlapped is burned in our memory!
赤く染まる月 彼方へきっとたどり着くと決めたから
Because I've decide that the red-dyed moon will absolutely reach the other side
何も変わることなくても 何も伝わらなくても
Even if nothing to be changed, even if nothing to be transmitted
迷うたび捨てた答えもきっと 選ぶ日はまた来るから
Someday I'll have another chance To choose the answer I lost each time I hesitated
この心は誰よりも熱く燃やし続けよう 消えないように
So I want my heart to burn brighter than any other So I won't fade away!
I won't fade away!