Translation of the song Detective Conan opening Balearic artist Detective Conan (OST)
Detective Conan opening Balearic
Detective Conan Opening Balearic
Un detectiu molt capaç,
A very capable detective,
un jove amb una missió,
a young man with a mission,
un al·lot molt espavilat,
a very smart kid,
d'ell tracta aquesta cançó.
this song is about him.
Ningú no el podrà enganar,
Nobody can fool you,
del seu geni no se'n pot dubtar.
of his genius can not be doubted.
Aquest al·lot comprovarà,
This guy will check,
que el crim mai pagarà.
That crime will never pay.
Les coses que ell va fer emprar,
The things he used to do,
d'ençà que era ben petit.
since he was very small.
Ara també les podrà emprar,
Now you can also use them,
però cada matí.
but every morning.
A un món d'ombra i de llum,
In a world of shadow and light,
a on s'hi amaga la veritat,
where the truth is hidden,
sempre hi podrem trobar qualcú,
we can always find somebody,
que no la deixa de cercar.
that does not stop searching for it.
A un món d'ombra i de llum,
In a world of shadow and light,
a on s'hi amaga la veritat,
where the truth is hidden,
sempre hi podrem trobar qualcú,
we can always find somebody,
que no la deixa de cercar.
that does not stop searching for it.