Translation of the song Growing of my heart artist Detective Conan (OST)
Growing of my heart
Growing of my heart
未来へ荷造り済ませてbaby 明日の物語へ歩き出す
Finish packing up for the future baby, and start walking onto to tomorrow’s tale
見下ろす大地の向こう側まで 終わらない夢を敷(し)き詰めてく
I lay out my dream all the way to the other side of the landscape
空を流れてる雲と一緒に そう夕陽に抱かれ君を思う
Embraced by the sunset along with the clouds floating in the sky, I think of you
今Get up Get up Get up Get up Baby
Get up Get up Get up Get up Baby now
崖を越えて ここからはじまるよ growing of my heart
Passing over the ridge, the growing of my heart will start from here
吐息ひとつだけで 崩れかけた イエスタディ
The yesterday that fell apart after just one sigh
君の名前口に出して 探すEXIT
I search for the EXIT as I call out for you
息を切らして 立ち止まり
I ran out of breath and stop
Sketching out a map of tears
時が私を 押し上げ今 動き出す
Time pushes me forward and begins to move
風も木も花も すべてを照らし 生まれきたばかりの太陽は
The sun that was born as it shone upon even the wind, trees, and flowers
見上げる空へと上り続ける 輝き始めた 心の奥
Continues to rise into the sky and my heart begins to shine from deep within
よけいな荷物は捨てて行こうよ そうひたすら目指す君いる場所
Throw away all the unnecessary things and go, aiming for the place you’re at
今Get up Get up Get up Get up Baby
Get up Get up Get up Get up Baby now
崖を越えて ここからはじまるよ growing of my heart
Passing over the ridge, the growing of my heart will start from here
孤独、 一人だけで戦ってたeveryday
I fought off the loneliness alone everyday
見えない夢探し 瞳を凝らす every night
Straining my eyes to search for the dream that can’t be seen every night
This planet that doesn’t know anything
Rotated as it carried everything
押さえきれない 気持ちが今 動き出す
The feelings I can’t hold down begins to act now
未来へ荷造り済ませてbaby 明日の物語へ歩き出す
Finish packing up for the future baby, and start walking onto to tomorrow’s tale
見下ろす大地の向こう側まで 終わらない夢を敷(し)き詰めてく
I lay out my dream all the way to the other side of the landscape
空を流れてる雲と一緒に そう夕陽に抱かれ君を思う
Embraced by the sunset along with the clouds floating in the sky, I think of you
今Get up Get up Get up Get up Baby
Get up Get up Get up Get up Baby now
崖を越えて ここからはじまるよ growing of my heart
Passing over the ridge, the growing of my heart will start from here
The new light and shadow will
誇り高き君と 足踏みする僕を映す
Shine upon the proud you and worried me
I can find out my life
I can find out my life
風も木も花も すべてを照らし 生まれきたばかりの太陽は
The sun that was born as it shone upon even the wind, trees, and flowers
見上げる空へと上り続ける Oh…growing of my heart
Continues to rise into the sky Oh...growing of my heart
未来へ荷造り済ませてbaby 明日の物語へ歩き出す
Finish packing up for the future baby, and start walking onto to tomorrow’s tale
見下ろす大地の向こう側まで 終わらない夢を敷(し)き詰めてく
I lay out my dream all the way to the other side of the landscape
空を流れてる雲と一緒に そう夕陽に抱かれ君を思う
Embraced by the sunset along with the clouds floating in the sky, I think of you
今Get up Get up Get up Get up Baby
Get up Get up Get up Get up Baby now
崖を越えて ここからはじまるよ growing of my heart
Passing over the ridge, the growing of my heart will start from here