Translation of the song Secret of my heart artist Detective Conan (OST)
Secret of my heart
Secret of my heart
どんな 言葉に変えて
If I were to change the words I say to you,
君に 伝えられるだろう
Do you suppose they would reach you?
あれから いくつもの季節が
Since that time,
Many seasons have passed
いつも 傍で笑ってる
But even though I always smiled at your side
私にも言えないことが まだ ひとつだけある
There is still one thing I can't say
Secret of my heart 疑ってもないね
Secret of my Heart, I have no doubt
If there will ever be a little bit of tomorrow
真実は 手に入れられるはず
The truth ought to be placed in our hands
I can’t say もう少しだけ I’m waiting for a chance
I can't say, just a little more I'm waiting for a chance
こんな 穏やかな時間
In this peaceful time,
もっと 繋がっていたい
I want to connect a little more
全てを見せるのが 怖くて
I'm afraid to show you my soul
For a while, I walk apart from you,
But why is it that your face
壊れそうで 守りたい もっと近づきたいよ
Looks about to break? I want to protect you, I want to be close to you
Secret of my heart 理解(わか)ってくれるよね
Secret of my Heart, you understand, right?
誰だって 逃げたい時もあるけど
Everyone feels like they want to escape sometimes
それだけじゃ 何も始まらない
But if that's all we do, then nothing can begin
I can’t say きっと必ず I’m calling for a chance
I can't say, but surely, absolutely I'm calling for a chance
Can I tell the truth? その言葉言えず 空回りする唇に
Can I tell the truth? These words I cannot speak hover around my lips
Feeling in my heart 隠せない これ以上 ‘Cause I love you
Feel in my Heart, I just can't hide any more than this, 'Cause I love you...
I will be with you Wherever you are Can you feel my heart?
I will be with you wherever you are Can you feel my Heart?
Can’t you see, you’re my dream 失いたくないよ
Can't you see you're my Dream? I can't bear to lose
大切な 君と過ごすこの時間
This precious time I have spent with you
あきらめる位なら 信じて
When you feel ready to give up, just believe
I just wanna say もう迷わない
I just wanna say, I'm not lost anymore
Can’t you see, you’re my heart どんな作り物も
Can't you see you're my Heart? There will come a day
簡単に壊れてしまう 日が来る
When all the lies will easily be broken apart
だけどまだ いつまで変わらない
And yet, things will never change
Secret of my heart Our future is forever
Secret of my Heart, Our future is forever...