Translation of the song いま逢いたくて... artist Detective Conan (OST)
I want to see you now
いま逢いたくて 君に逢いたくて
I want to meet you now. I want to meet you.
Even now my heart is stained with your colors.
ただ切なくて 二度と逢えないなら
It’s just painful, and if I can’t ever see you again,
舞い散る雪 白く この心染めて
Let the falling snow stain my heart white.
君がいなくなって 1人きりの冬が
I’ve lost you, and this winter spent all alone
寂しくて 冷たい指先震える
Is so lonely and cold; my fingertips shiver.
君が握り返す 掌の熱が
The warmth of your hands holding mine
凍えそうな心 温めてくれた
Warmed my heart when it seemed like it was about to freeze.
愛してる 何度もそう 囁き合って
“I love you,” I whispered time and time again.
I’d thought that
You were the last fateful encounter I’d have.
逢いたくて 君に逢いたくて
I want to meet you. I want to meet you.
今もこの街で君を探してる (愛してもっと)
Even now I’m searching for you in these streets. (I love you more)
触れたくて 彷徨い続けても
I want to touch you, and though I keep wandering about,
降り積もる粉雪 足跡を消して
The powder snow piling up erases my footprints.
電話が鳴る度 この胸がざわめく
Every time the phone rings, my heart is stirred,
でも聞こえてくるのは 君の声じゃない
But it’s not your voice I hear on the line.
いま君はどこにいるの 何してるの
Where are you now? What are you doing?
神様に願い届くなら もう一度だけ
If my prayer were to reach the gods, then just once more–
逢いたくて 君に逢いたくて
I want to meet you. I want to meet you.
今もこの胸は君色に染まる (抱きしめたくて)
Even now my heart is stained with your colors. (I want to embrace you)
切なくて 二度と逢えないなら
It’s painful, and if I can’t ever see you again,
舞い散る雪 白く この心染めて
Let the falling snow stain my heart white.
想い出の 欠片たちを 拾い集めて
I’m gathering the fragments of my memories,
幻でもいい 君の姿照らし出せたなら
And it’s fine even if it’s an illusion as long as it illuminates visions of you.
いま逢いたくて 君に逢いたくて
I want to meet you now. I want to meet you.
今もこの胸は君色に染まる (抱きしめたくて)
Even now my heart is stained with your colors. (I want to embrace you).
切なくて 二度と逢えないなら
It’s painful, and if I can’t ever see you again,
舞い散る雪 白く この心染めて
Let the falling snow stain my heart white.
舞い散る雪 白く この心染めて
Let the falling snow stain my heart white.