Translation of the song ジューンブライド ~あなたしか見えない~ artist Detective Conan (OST)

English, Japanese

ジューンブライド ~あなたしか見えない~

English translation

June Bride ~Only You I See~

誰にも 追いつけない スピードで

At a speed that no one can catch up to

日常を 走っていたら

As I hurry along from day to day

髪を切った日に 友達より

On the day I cut my hair


I discovered an important treasure from a friend


In my daily life where I can see no tomorrow


I’m glad to have fallen in love with you

ずっと変わらない 気持でいたい

I want these feelings to never ever change

響き合う 時(イマ)を止めて

And their echoes to stop time


I was once afraid to be together with you


Even though people and their past can’t be changed

自分のこと 未来の夢は 変えていける

I shall change myself and my dreams for the future


I can see no one but you

暮れゆく街 せつなさがつのる

As the town darkens, sadness deepens

やわらかな風の中 ずっと

In this gentle breeze, as always

信じ合いながら 二人いつまでも

Believing in each other, we’ll stay together forever

ジューンブライド I'll be with you

June Bride I'll be with you

私 ここにいるんだよ

I am right here

神様 私のこと 見えてる?

Dear God, are you watching over me?

こんな私にも 何かがあるって

To think there can be something for someone like me as well


Thank you for believing in me

傷は必ず 治るんだよと

Wounds will invariably heal


For you have chosen me

何があっても どんなことでも

Should anything happen, whatever it may be

乗り越えられるよ 今なら

The current me can overcome it all


Through the sad times and the painful times

いつもいつも ずっと そばにいようね

Please stay by my side, forever and ever

二度と帰れない思い出に もう縛られない

I will no longer be held back by memories I can’t return to


I see nothing but the future


I want to become the right person for you


Even though we may not always be on the best of terms

愛していられる 二人でいようね

Let’s stay in love with each other forever

ジューンブライド I'll be with you

June Bride I'll be with you


I see nothing but the future


I want to become the right person for you


Even though we may not always be on the best of terms

愛していられる 二人でいようね

Let’s stay in love with each other forever

ジューンブライド I'll be with you

June Bride I'll be with you

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