Translation of the song 運命のルーレット廻して artist Detective Conan (OST)
Spinning the Roulette of Destiny
Spinning the roulette of destiny
I was watching you all the time
何故なの こんなに 幸せなのに
Why is it that in spite of me being this happy
水平線を見ると 哀しくなる
Gazing at the horizon makes me sad?
あの頃の自分を遠くで 見ている
It feels as if I'm looking at the me from that time
from faraway
Spinning the roulette of destiny
アレコレ深く考えるのは Mystery
These and those things that I think deeply about are mysteries
ほら 運命の人はそこにいる
Look, the person of my destiny is there
ずっと 君を見ていた
I was watching you all the time
星空を見上げて 笑顔(ウインク)ひとつで
Looking up at the blue sky with a wink
この高い所からでも 飛べそうじゃん
It's like even from this high place, I can fly
スピード上げ 望遠鏡を 覗いたら未来が
If I bring up my speed and look through a telescope
I can see the future
Spinning the roulette of destiny
何処に行けば 想い出に会える?
To where I go can I meet my memories?
青い地球の ちっぽけな二人は
The tiny us on the blue Earth
今も 進化し続ける
Are still evolving now
Spinning the roulette of destiny
旅立つ時の翼は bravely
Wings of when I depart are bravely
ほら どんな時も 幸運は待ってる
Look, at anytime luck is waiting
ずっと 君を見ていた
I was watching you all the time
ずっと 君を見ていた
I was watching you all the time